Fix error when saving related entities.
Add UIButton CommandProperty binding in custom UICarouselViewCell
Fix image duplication on UITableViewCell which has more than one ImageView.
Support binding to multiple ImageView in iOS custom table cell
Fix styles binding during update which affects other items in grouped condition.
Improved iOS Resizable TextView ResponderAccessory to support iOS 7.1
Prevent image flickering when loading local imageImagePicker is not set back to placeholder when the image source is deleted
Image is not transitioned properly when adding new item to ListView
Whenever AutoCompleteTextView was selected and user use auto rotation, app will crash and exit.
When navigating to same view model (but with different identifier) using drawer navigation, it won't navigate.
When navigating to same view model (but with different identifier) using drawer navigation, it won't navigate.
UITableViewController: Support Command binding to UIButton in group header/footer template.
UICollectionViewController: Support Command binding to UIButton within item template and group header/footer template.
When using dynamic table height feature, incremental loading incorrectly retrieves data multiple times.
Selected index out of range exception occurred when all items were deleted in table view.
Add LED, default notification sound and vibration to Android ScheduleLocalNotification.
Self navigation doesn't work when using UINestedMasterViewController.
RestClient failed to deserialize collection with target type List<object>
Fix Request Url when using ServiceDescriptor and QueryDefinition together
Implement ImageSettings(ImageSize and CornerRadius) for ImageMemberPath on Android ListActivity and ListFragment
Android Location Service not updating the location properly.
EntityContext deleted after creating Intersoft Entity Data Model
Detail section still shows deleted item in WebAPI-enabled Inventory Tracker sample.
iOS Templates with XIB has incorrect class name placeholder.In EditableListViewModelBase, the OnDataChanged call will no longer throw an exception when Items is null.
iOS Table View Controller Template has incorrect Register attribute.
FilterDescriptor with DateTime value now produces date format that complies with OData specification.
Android LocationService returns wrong longitude and latitude.
Prevent Android FormBuilderSamples from crash when press Save button or navigate back.
Prevent Android MapSamples from crash when there is no internet connection
BackgroundColor is not applied to Label when bound to the UI through StyleAttributes property.
BackgroundColor not working when applied to Label.
Fix Read-only TextField FormBuilder on Android can be edited.
UIDrawerNavigation is now improved to be backward compatible with iOS 7 while preserving the blur transition feature for both iOS 7 and 8.
TimePicker appearance should follow the specified app theme.
Fix cross thread access issue in ListView (Synchronization).
Failed to retrieve item index in ListView.
DateTimePicker and TimePicker value is not bound properly.
Title in ActionBar is not displayed properly when using Fragment.
New component: Advanced FusedLocationProvider for location service.
New component: GridFragment.
ListFragment layout cannot be customizedImageLoaderService now supports loading image from local storage.
ImageLoaderService now supports loading image from assembly.
The "Navigation With Parameter" sample does not work properly in ServicesSamples.
MediaService causes memory leak after consecutive tries.
Post to Facebook does not work properly in ServicesSamples.
Dispose method is not called in DrawerActivity.
In ViewPager, the data specified in the NavigationItem is not passed to child ViewModel.
Provide mechanism to pass a collection of binding contexts to ItemBindingAdapter
Improved async image loader performance.
Add item binding support for TextBox.
Add item binding support for CheckBox.
Utilize SwipeRefreshLayout for Pull-to-Refresh.
Introduce FormFragment to support form builder in FragmentActivity.
Improve Get and Set value mechanism in BindingAdapter.
WinRT SQLite service not properly initialized.
Add ServiceInitializer for Win8 SQLite Service
Fix launch modal activity issue (FragmentActivity only support 16bit request code)
Toast Presenter orientation is incorrect after rotated.
Delete button shouldn't be displayed when there is no image in Windows Phone sample.
Improved binding performance, up to 4x faster
Introduce DialogFragment for better dialogs rotation handling.
Add MasterDetailFragment generic variant to support custom content navigation.
Re-evaluate Context usage in MobileServices.
Hide delete command in ImagePicker when there is no image attachedCalling GetSingleAsync method on IDataRepository will throw "Entity with type 'Type' is not registered." exception in certain circumstances, particularly when the entity has not been initialized.
Option menu bindings are not registered in TabActivity.
In Multi Page control, the parameter.Data specified in the NavigationItem is not available in the Navigated event of ViewModel.
Value converter is not triggered when the bound value is null.
Crosslight's SQLite is always returning null values on byte array fields
Unable to save image in Edit Profile of Business Project Template
Improved resource cache service performance when frequently looking for a cache item in a large list.
RestClient now properly throws cancelled exception when the request is cancelled programmatically.
Support Facebook 2.0 App-Scoped ID
Repository in data view models is no longer re-instantiated whenever the property is accessed.
Fine-tuned image binding performance in UITableView, particularly when displaying placeholder.
Major performance improvement in ImageLoader service by re-engineering the asynchronous implementation with Grand Central Dispatch (GCD).
Introduced IViewModelBinder interface to provide a way for direct binding between View, ViewModel and Model.
Placemark and its related classes now implement INotifyPropertyChanged to support data binding.
ImagePicker fails to show the image in Inventory Tracker (XML) sample
PlacemarkAddress ToString() method returns wrong text
ImageLoader service now supports force loading from disk cache by enabling the ForceLoadDiskCache property in the passed image loader settings.
RestClient now automatically detects absolute URI associated to the given RestRequest.
ActionPresenter now supports async method for the Show methods.
Support Stored Procedure select mode in REST repository.
Entity Container now support relationship management where the related entity does not have navigation property to the origin entity.
Add GenerateController property for Stored Procedure controller at EDM Designer Extensions
Implement authorize configuration for Stored Procedure controller at EDM Designer Extensions
Added missing "using" when generating entity controller for stored procedure.
Callback function never called after sending a mail (Android)
Deserialized date is not converted to local timezone properly when using data repository in Enterprise App Framework.
Auto detect row height from cell template based on the XIB
Fixed iOS serialization issue in reporting service
The loading time to get "Is Intersoft Site Reachable" takes too long.
The loading time to "Show Intersoft Solutions in Map" is to long.
ScheduleLocalNotification method in NotificationService doesn't honor the given scheduled date value.
New iOS Component: Keyboard Input View
Pull to refresh takes very long time to refresh and blocks all input in WebAPI-enabled Inventory Tracker sample.
Unable to save image/file to disk in Entity Controller (WebApi).
Image file caching not working after image editing.
Fix passing custom data in navigation parameter to navigated method when navigated using navigation item (iOS)Navigate from split page is now full screen when page is root view (Win RT)
Combo Box builder parameter is no longer null (WinPhone)
Fix Activity presenter unhandled exception win32 (Win RT)
Implement context menu (WinPhone)
Implement MaxAttribute for validation (Core)
Implement MinAttribute for validation (Core)
Implement load PrerequisiteData in DataListViewModel (Core)
ComboBox now works with async load data process (WinPhone)
Contextual action bar is now closed after deleting multiple items (Android)
Fix replacing existing entity in EntityContainer with one-to-one relationship (Core Services)
Performing modal navigation on UINestedMasterDetailViewController inadvertently call the Dispose method of the active view controllers (iOS)
The Navigated method of ViewModel is no longer called twice when presented in UINestedMasterDetailViewController (iOS)
DateAndTimePicker editor is now supported in Form Builder (Win Phone)
TimePicker is now supported in Form Builder (WinPhone)
Modal window is now presented in full screen when using split page (Win RT)
DateTimePicker is now rendered correctly (Android)
Full data refresh no longer show activity presenter since the pull-to-refresh view already includes a built-in loading indicator (Android, Frameworks, iOS, WinPhone)
Added TrackRelatedEntityChanges property in DataEditorViewModelBase. When enabled, all navigation properties in the entity will be automatically tracked during editing. (Frameworks)
Form Builder now takes account NavigationTargetKind defined in NavigateAction attribute. (iOS)
UINestedMasterDetailViewController now support deep navigation in detail content. (iOS)
Pull To Refresh is no longer trigger load on demand (Android)
"Buddy" metadata in entity model is now supports validation (Core, Data)
Performing navigation after pull refresh operation is no longer causing exception (iOS)
ComboBox control builder doesn't take account the navigation parameter when navigated (WinPhone)
Added UINestedMasterDetailViewController generic variant to support custom content navigation (iOS)
Loading indicator in DataListViewModelBase is now displayed within the view by default (Frameworks)
Added async methods for IMessagePresenter, INavigationService, and IMobileComponentService (Core)
Refactored account and user service to support single sign-on authentication scoped to a particular application (Frameworks)
Added ServiceDescriptor to DataListViewModelBase for named query support (Frameworks)
Activity presenter can now be shown within the view content, in addition to floating popup (Core, iOS)
UITableViewController displayed at incorrect offset when used together with Navigation Drawer and Allow Searching is enabled (iOS)
UITableViewController randomly calls Dispose method twice when searching is enabled (iOS)
Support CommandBindingAttribute for text editor in form builder (iOS)
Support batch updates with smooth animation in sorted collection (iOS)
The status bar appearance in UINavigationDrawer doesn't honor the translucent settings during initial load (iOS)
Application is no longer crashes when tab activity or tab fragment is put on background and resumed (Android)
Fix ActivityPresenter lifecycle which may cause ActivityPresenter fails to show
Activity Presenter closes along Action Presenter (iOS)Fix regression in access modifier (Android)
UICollectionView is no longer crashed during navigation when it's contained in UITabBarController. (iOS)
UICollectionView is positioned correctly behind navigation bar when contained in UIDrawerNavigation and nested in UITabBarController. (iOS)
Application no longer crashes when tab activity or tab fragment is put on background and resumed (Android)
Cancel button is expectedly shown in UIFormViewController when navigated with push navigation inside modal context (iOS)
Add Background support for Views (Android)
Application no longer crashes during Select operation on SQLite Android in Release mode (Data)
No transparent area in the status bar when entering search mode in UITableViewController. (iOS)
Android stability (Android)
Added OnSelectedIndexChanging and OnSelectedIndexChanged to MultiPageViewModelBase (Core)
Add EmptyListViewLayoutId for ListFragment and ListActivity (Android)
UITabBarController now can host UICollectionViewController (iOS)
UITabBarController disposes ViewModel correctly (iOS)
Can search using custom cell template (iOS)
ActivityPresenter with Large style indicator with text now works correctly (iOS)
TabFragment or TabActivity now triggers ViewModel Navigated event (Android)
UIMasterDetailViewControler no longer triggers ViewModel's constructor twice (iOS)
UITabBarController now triggers Navigated on navigating to a ViewModel hosted inside the MultiPageViewModelBase (iOS)
ListView selected state now is reflected correctly after clicked (Android)
Search now is working correctly for ListFragment hosted in MasterDetailFragment (Android)