Can't select tree-view items with IE11

3 replies. Last post: August 10, 2015 6:36 AM by Yudi
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I have a WebTreeView (version 1.0.1500.403) on a WebDesktop-WepPane. as shown below:

<ISWebDesktop:WebPane HeaderVisible="Yes" AllowCollapse="No" Name="paneTree" HeightValue="70%" Height="Custom" CaptionDisplayMode="UseTemplate" HeaderAppearance="UseSubStyle" ContentScrollable="false">
        <asp:Image ID="Image3" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Icons/Tree.ico" Height="16" Width="16" />
        <asp:Label ID="c__lblSystemTreeHeader" runat="server" Text="System tree" />
    <ContentTemplate >
        <!-- *************************************************************************************** -->
        <!-- Treeview Pane,                                                                          -->
        <!-- *************************************************************************************** -->
        <ISWebTreeView:WebTreeView ID="c_treeView" runat="server" EnableManagedTheming="false"  Width="100%" Height="100%"  EnableLoadOnDemand="true" OnInitializeChildNodes="TreeView_OnInitializeChildNodes">
            <ClientSideEvents OnNodeSelect="c_treeView_OnNodeSelect" OnInitialize="c_treeView_OnInitialize" />

This works perfectly in Google Chrome and Mozilla FireFox. But in IE11 the treeview is populated correctly and I can expand each node. But a node can not be selected. Why is that? Even when the mouse hovers over a node it does not become underlined as in the other browsers.
I have tried to put RenderingMode="HTML5" on the treeview control, but it did not help.
The document is an HTML5 document starting with

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