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How do I refer a shared folder located on some other machine in the Media Gallery Task Pane.
I have tried specifying the shared folders path in the code below, It doesnt work.
According to Jimmy the following settings should work. Do I have to do some other settings to make it work?
<ISWebTextEditor:WebTextEditorMediaResourceGroup Name="Products" Text="Products"> <resources> <ISWebTextEditor:WebTextEditorResource Name="resProducts" Url="\\ServerName\FolderName" Text="Product Images"></"Text="Product Images"></ISWebTextEditor:WebTextEditorResource> <ISWebTextEditor:WebTextEditorResource Name="resScreenshots" Url="\\ServerName\FolderName" Text="Screenshot Images" SearchInChildFolder="true"></ISWebTextEditor:WebTextEditorResource> </resources> </ISWebTextEditor:WebTextEditorMediaResourceGroup>Prompt reply will be appreciated!!!
I have already consulted with the developer regarding this issue and currently , WebTextEditor has not supported shared folder for Media Gallery. Our developer has considered this issue and will try implementing the feature in the future release of WebTextEditor.
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