WebFileUploader problem running on web farm

3 replies. Last post: November 25, 2010 10:06 AM by Yudi
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Darren BuddMember



I am experiencing problems here with the WebFileUploader when running on a web farm, where requests go to different noes.  I am getting a 500 internal server error, and in the event log is reporting "Unable to obtain upload context for '4fd0ab395f714cd7b7e7722b57e961a0'. The application may have been restarted, or your session has expired. ".


I ran a trace on all request going out, and it seems the only time this occurs is when 2 requests generated by the upload component go to different nodes on the web farm.  For example:







Is this a known issue?  Is there an easy resolution?  We need to resolve this quickly.








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