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I'm using WebFileUploader in order to upload an excel (.xsl ) file.
For some reason, in certain circumsances, the uploaded file is damged and I am unable to open the uploded file. Furthermore, there are binary differences between the original file and the uploaded file.
Any reason why this happens?
This is quite ugrent.
Can you provide more details about your issue? Such as:1. The size of the file2. Can you provide the sample .xls? (try to upload it in mediafire or etc) We will need the file to investigate the issue.3. What WebTextEditor version that you used?
Original File: 28K:
Uploaded file (using ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor 1.0.1000.135): 28.04K:
There is a binary difference as you can see (hopefully mediafire does not change the binary content on their upload procedure...)
Running my sample on local and upload your file, could not replicate your issue. Can you send me the sample that you used? Also, what is your WebTextEditor version?
Handy Hi,
In the above thread I wrote file version and added links for: original file + uploaded file
"(using ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor 1.0.1000.135"
This is my code (pretty simple):
<ISWebTextEditor:WebFileUploader ID="WFU" runat="server" PostbackMode="FlyPostBack" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Normal-Width="80px" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Active-Width="80px" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Over-Width="80px" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Normal-Height="23px" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Active-Height="23px" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Over-Height="23px" AllowSimultaneousUpload="false" AllowAdd="false" AllowRemove="false" AllowCancel="false" UploadPath="~/UPLD/" InitialFilesCount="1" Width="300px" FileTypes="*.xls" OnAfterUpload="WFU_OnAfterUpload" OnErrorUpload="WFU_OnErrorUpload"> <FlyPostBackSettings PostControlState="true" PostHiddenFields="true" PostInputControls="true" PostViewState="true" /> <ProgressInformation ShowProgressArea="False" ShowProgressBarForTotal="True" ></ProgressInformation> <ClientSideEvents OnAfterUpload="GetNotification" OnError="WFU_OnError" OnFileAdded="WFU_OnFileAdded" OnBeforeUpload="WFU_OnBeforeUpload(false)" /> </ISWebTextEditor:WebFileUploader> protected void WFU_OnAfterUpload(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor.WebFileUploaderFileEventArgs e) { //This is where I check the uploaded file in ~/UPLD folder }
PostbackMode="FlyPostBack" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Normal-Width="80px" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Active-Width="80px" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Over-Width="80px" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Normal-Height="23px" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Active-Height="23px" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Over-Height="23px" AllowSimultaneousUpload="false" AllowAdd="false" AllowRemove="false" AllowCancel="false" UploadPath="~/UPLD/" InitialFilesCount="1" Width="300px" FileTypes="*.xls" OnAfterUpload="WFU_OnAfterUpload" OnErrorUpload="WFU_OnErrorUpload"> <FlyPostBackSettings PostControlState="true" PostHiddenFields="true" PostInputControls="true" PostViewState="true" /> <ProgressInformation ShowProgressArea="False" ShowProgressBarForTotal="True" ></ProgressInformation> <ClientSideEvents OnAfterUpload="GetNotification" OnError="WFU_OnError" OnFileAdded="WFU_OnFileAdded" OnBeforeUpload="WFU_OnBeforeUpload(false)" /> </ISWebTextEditor:WebFileUploader> protected void WFU_OnAfterUpload(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor.WebFileUploaderFileEventArgs e) { //This is where I check the uploaded file in ~/UPLD folder }
There are no file manipulations at my end. As soon as the file is uploaded to ~/UPLD folder, it seems to be damaged.
Please take a look at the files binary footers under notepad.
Does WebTextEditor add anything to the uploaded file?
In WebTextEditor V1, I can replicate the issue as well in the past if I am not mistaken. However, it has been fixed in WebTextEditor V2. Using your settings, I can have the same binary in my uploaded file. When you made some changes in your pages, please ensure that there is no cache. Otherwise, I found it will change a little bit in the binary file (first load). The next loads without previous cache will do fine.
I suggest you to use V2 since it also supports HTML5 and has metro style.
What do you mean by Cache? I am disabling chache on my end, by using 'no-chache' meta and so on.
Is it an issue? Has it been resolved in future versions, regardless of the cache?
The cache of browser. only happen at the first you made the changes of your .aspx. Per my test case, it should have been fixed in future versions.
I have upgraded the control ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor.dll to 2.0.1000.4.
It seems like it works fine in IE11, but the files are still binary changed on upload in chrome & firefox.
(You can try loading .xls files and see the binary file changes between original file and the uploaded file)
<ISWebTextEditor:WebFileUploader ID="WFU" runat="server" PostbackMode="FlyPostBack" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Normal-Width="80px" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Active-Width="80px" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Over-Width="80px" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Normal-Height="23px" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Active-Height="23px" StyleSettings-ButtonStyle-Over-Height="23px" Caption="Load file" AllowSimultaneousUpload="false" AllowAdd="false" AllowRemove="false" AllowCancel="false" UploadPath="~/UPLD/" InitialFilesCount="1" Width="300px" FileTypes="*.xls" OnAfterUpload="WFU_OnAfterUpload" OnErrorUpload="WFU_OnErrorUpload" RenderingMode="HTML5"> <FlyPostBackSettings PostControlState="true" PostHiddenFields="true" PostInputControls="true" PostViewState="true" /> <TextSettings ButtonSelectText="Choose file" ButtonUploadText="Load file" ButtonStartOverText="Reload file" /> <ProgressInformation ShowProgressArea="False" ShowProgressBarForTotal="True" ></ProgressInformation> <ClientSideEvents OnAfterUpload="GetNotification" OnError="WFU_OnError" OnFileAdded="WFU_OnFileAdded" OnBeforeUpload="WFU_OnBeforeUpload(false)" /> </ISWebTextEditor:WebFileUploader>
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