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is there a way that this script will work with webinput or webcombo :
Unfortunately the script require a class to be assigned to the element you wish to validate, for example class="validate[required,custom[onlyLetter],length[0,100]]"
In Intersoft control the class could not be assigned by user because Intersoft has internal mechanism that will modify the control style based on state, such as active, over, normal. In order to modify the appearance of Intersoft control you will need to modify the appropriate style.
As James suggested, there is a ways to assign class css attribute in Intersoft control. In WebCombo and WebInput case it could be done by assigning the property TextBoxStyle.Normal.CssClass
With that new revelation, the validation script does work with IntersoftWebCombo and WebInput.
Edit 8/24/09: Please us the .zip attachment to download the sample
As an additional info, there's possibility that the CSS class can be assigned in WebCombo/WebInput through the CssClass property of the TextBoxStyle.
For instance, combo.LayoutSettings.TextBoxStyle.Normal.CssClass = "validate[required]"
Theoritically, the validation script should work properly once the input element of WebCombo/WebInput is assigned. However, since I don't test it directly, I'm unable to proof the result.
Let me know if it works in your end.
doesnt work.
is anybody know a nice pop up validation that will work with them
Yaniv, it seems Glenn has successfully integrated jQuery to work with WebCombo and WebInput. Please see Glenn's post and attachment above.
It's interesting to see how Intersoft components worked alongside with popular open-source frameworks such as jQuery. Well done Glenn for providing a quick sample!
doesnt work for me.
i read that the next version of the fv will not use the cssclass .
it will use form based to call the valdation.
It's quite odd that it does not work in your environment. In the sample I have also provided an ASP.NET textbox and HTML input text, does this control validation works?
everything works just not the webinput
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