I had uninstalled 2009 R1 then installed 2009 R2.

When I try to get to my webforms in design view I receive "Error creating control" errors for my WebInput controls.


Error 20 Type 'ISNet.WebUI.WebControls.WebInput' does not have a public property named 'errorwindowinfo'. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\HIDIINV\frmSales_Customers.aspx 237 

Error 21 Content ('</errorwindowinfo>') does not match any properties within a 'ISNet.WebUI.WebControls.WebInput', make sure it is well-formed. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\HIDIINV\frmSales_Customers.aspx 237 

I also get errors for

Error 23 Type 'ISNet.WebUI.WebControls.WebInput' does not have a public property named 'DropDownMonthFrameStyle'. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\HIDIINV\frmSales_Customers.aspx 264 

Error 24 Type 'ISNet.WebUI.WebControls.WebInput' does not have a public property named 'quickselectdateiconstyle'. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\HIDIINV\frmSales_Customers.aspx 265 


Please advise


Thank you,





I can replicate the error if I drag a WebTab control to a form then drop a WebInput control into it.

I then click on the source tab and when I click back on the design tab, I get the error creating control.

and here's the source code of 1 of my controls


<ISWebInput:WebInput ID="wbiFax" runat="server" MaxDate="12/31/9998 23:59:59" MinDate="1753-01-01" DecimalSeparator=""> <EditFormat> <ErrorWindowInfo IsEnabled="False"> </ErrorWindowInfo> </EditFormat> <CultureInfo CultureName="en-US"> </CultureInfo> <DisplayFormat> <ErrorWindowInfo IsEnabled="False"> </ErrorWindowInfo> </DisplayFormat> <DateTimeEditor DateInputLink=""> <DropDownYearFrameStyle BackColor="#FFFFFF" BorderColor="Black" BorderWidth="1px"> </DropDownYearFrameStyle> <DropDownMonthFrameStyle BackColor="#FFFFFF" BorderColor="Black" BorderWidth="1px"> </DropDownMonthFrameStyle> <QuickSelectDateIconStyle Height="18px" Width="20px"> </QuickSelectDateIconStyle> </DateTimeEditor> </ISWebInput:WebInput>

I found the problem.

Some of the Webinput controls did not have the <DATETIMEEDITOR> tag surrounding the <DROPDOWNYEARFRAMESTYLE> tags.

I added that and the errors went away.


This question can be closed.