XHTML DocType and Charts

13 replies. Last post: July 22, 2010 12:05 PM by Andi Santoso
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John BoninMember


  I am trying to use the PivotChart with my webGrid (latest version (.402)) and if I use the XHTML doctype, the charts don't work.  Appears that Charts are not XHTML aware.  Take the VB sample ChartMode_AutoResize.aspxe and change the Masetr page to DefaultMasterXHTML, run the sample.  When using the Height of 100% is appears to make the chart (grid also) 100 pixels not 100%.  There are many other problems with the display.  Is the Charts going to be capable of using the XHTML docType soon?  It useless for me now.

I have other problems with the Charts but that's another question...


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