Webgrid filter throwing error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error.

4 replies. Last post: February 15, 2011 11:57 PM by Yudi
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Jason WrightMember

I have an ASP.BET page with a webgrid that has its datasource dynamically set at the backend.  The soruce of the data varies depending on the option(s) the user takes (for instance, if the user selects a new sales order, the grid shows customer information - whereas if the user selects to open an existing sales order, the webgrid shows existing sales orders). 

For aesthetic reasons we use a checkbox above the webgrid to give the user the option of filtering or not.  We display the filter pane of the webgrid dependant upon the value of the check box.  This appears to work fine for webgrid's that are not dynamically built with different datasources.

I've attached a document showing the details of the error that is thrown.

Below is the code for the web page.  I'm on version Webgrid.net 7.0.

The dll's in my projects bin folder are as follows:

09/04/2010  06:18 PM         5,822,464 AjaxControlToolkit.dll
07/09/2010  03:49 PM             7,168 Interop.Encore.dll
24/01/2008  08:18 PM         8,326,144 ISNet.ActiveReports.Exporting.dll
03/02/2010  09:32 PM            60,928 ISNet.Data.Linq.dll
03/06/2010  03:20 PM           103,424 ISNet.dll
18/09/2006  06:32 PM         2,760,704 ISNet.Nevron.Designer.dll
03/06/2010  03:20 PM            32,768 ISNet.WebUI.Design.dll
03/06/2010  03:20 PM           791,552 ISNet.WebUI.dll
03/06/2010  03:20 PM            61,440 ISNet.WebUI.Editor.dll
03/06/2010  03:20 PM           172,544 ISNet.WebUI.Editor.v4.dll
09/10/2008  02:31 PM            13,312 ISNet.WebUI.ISLinqDataSource.dll
03/06/2010  03:18 PM           417,792 ISNet.WebUI.Resources.dll
03/06/2010  03:19 PM            36,864 ISNet.WebUI.Silverlight.dll
02/03/2010  11:06 AM           413,696 ISNet.WebUI.WebAqua.Resources.dll
18/05/2010  04:25 PM           159,744 ISNet.WebUI.WebCombo.Resources.dll
04/06/2010  02:00 PM         1,400,832 ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop.dll
04/06/2010  01:58 PM         1,605,632 ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop.Resources.dll
26/05/2010  05:41 PM            90,112 ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.ChartEngine.dll
26/05/2010  05:42 PM         1,233,920 ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.DLL
26/05/2010  05:41 PM           962,560 ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Editor.dll
26/05/2010  05:42 PM           729,600 ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.ISChartEngine.dll
26/05/2010  05:41 PM         1,585,152 ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Resources.dll
08/06/2010  02:11 PM           299,008 ISNet.WebUI.WebInput.Resources.dll
03/06/2010  03:58 PM           892,928 ISNet.WebUI.WebScheduler.Resources.dll
08/06/2010  09:17 AM           855,552 ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor.Resources.dll
08/06/2010  10:49 AM           217,088 ISNet.WebUI.WebTreeView.Resources.dll
19/11/2004  09:54 PM           212,992 ISNet.WinUI.HtmlEditor.dll
13/08/2006  08:20 AM         8,007,680 Microsoft.mshtml.dll
21/02/2003  10:12 AM           348,160 msvcr71.dll
30/01/2011  02:18 PM           144,384 SCLSalesOrderForm.dll


I know I've probably done something silly, I'd appreciate some assistance.

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="SorDetail.aspx.vb" Inherits="SCLSalesOrderForm.SorDetail"
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                    <br />
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                                    Height="26px" Width="75px" DataTextField="TaxCode" DataValueField="TaxCode">
                    <br />
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                    <br />
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                    <br />
                    <br />
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                    <br />
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                    <br />
                    <br />
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                                    runat="server" />
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                                    runat="server" />
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                        DefaultStyleMode="Win7" HorizontalAlign="NotSet" OnInitializeRow="grdStockItems_InitializeRow"
                        OnInitializeDataSource="grdStockItems_InitializeDataSource" OnPrepareDataBinding="grdStockItems_PrepareDataBinding"
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                            AllowExport="Yes" AllowFilter="No" AllowGrouping="Yes" AllowSelectColumns="Yes"
                    <br />
                    <asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqlStockCode" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SCL %>"
                        SelectCommand="SELECT [StockCode], RTrim([StockCode]) +' - '+[Description] as 'Description' FROM [InvMaster] where [StockOnHold] <> 'F' order by [Description] ASC ">
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                        SelectCommand="SELECT [ProductClass] FROM [SalGlIntSale] Where Warehouse= '**' Group By [ProductClass]  ">
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                                    AutoPostBack="true" AppendDataBoundItems="true" DataSourceID="sqlStockCode" runat="server"
                                    Height="26px" Width="325px" DataTextField="Description" DataValueField="StockCode">
                                <asp:TextBox ID="txtStockDesc" CssClass="textbox" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
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                                    AutoPostBack="true" AppendDataBoundItems="true" DataSourceID="sqlProductClass"
                                    runat="server" Height="26px" Width="125px" DataTextField="ProductClass" DataValueField="ProductClass">
                                <asp:TextBox ID="txtQty" CssClass="textbox" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
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                                <asp:Label ID="lblTaxCode" CssClass="label" runat="server" Text="Tax Code"></asp:Label>
                                <asp:Label ID="lblStockDate" CssClass="label" runat="server" Text="Request Date"></asp:Label>
                                <asp:Label ID="lblWarehouse" CssClass="label" runat="server" Text="Warehouse"></asp:Label>
                                <asp:TextBox ID="txtPrice" CssClass="textbox" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                                <asp:DropDownList ID="lstTaxCode" DataSourceID="sqlTaxCode" runat="server" Height="26px"
                                    Width="75px" DataTextField="TaxCode" DataValueField="TaxCode">
                                <asp:TextBox ID="txtStockDate" CssClass="textbox" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
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                                    Format="dd/MM/yyyy" PopupButtonID="imgStockDate">
                                <asp:ImageButton ID="imgStockDate" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/date_picker.gif" />
                                <asp:DropDownList ID="lstWarehouse" DataSourceID="sqlWarehouse" runat="server" Height="26px"
                                    Width="100px" DataTextField="Warehouse" DataValueField="Warehouse">
                    <br />
                    <asp:Table ID="Table4" runat="server" Width="700px" HorizontalAlign="Center">
                                <asp:Button ID="btnSaveDetail" runat="server" Text="Save Detail Line" />
                                <asp:Button ID="btnLoadDetail" runat="server" Text="Load Detail Line" />
                                <asp:Button ID="btnNewDetail" runat="server" Text="New Detail Line" />
            <asp:View ID="viewTotals" runat="server">
                <div style="width: 811px; height: 397px">
                    <asp:Table ID="Table5" runat="server" Width="300px">
                            <asp:TableCell HorizontalAlign="Left">
                                <asp:Label ID="Label22" CssClass="label" runat="server" Text="Sales Order"></asp:Label>
                                <asp:TextBox ID="txtSalesOrderTotal" CssClass="textboxRO" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                            <asp:TableCell HorizontalAlign="Left">
                                <asp:Label ID="Label10" CssClass="label" runat="server" Text="Invoice Lines"></asp:Label>
                                <asp:TextBox ID="txtLines" CssClass="textboxRO" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                            <asp:TableCell HorizontalAlign="Left">
                                <asp:Label ID="Label20" CssClass="label" runat="server" Text="Merchandise Total"></asp:Label>
                                <asp:TextBox ID="txtTotalMerch" CssClass="textboxRO" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                            <asp:TableCell HorizontalAlign="Left">
                                <asp:Label ID="Label24" CssClass="label" runat="server" Text="Loan Total"></asp:Label>
                                <asp:TextBox ID="txtTotalLoan" CssClass="textboxRO" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                            <asp:TableCell HorizontalAlign="Left">
                                <asp:Label ID="Label28" CssClass="label" runat="server" Text="Rebate Total"></asp:Label>
                                <asp:TextBox ID="txtTotalRebate" CssClass="textboxRO" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                            <asp:TableCell HorizontalAlign="Left">
                                <asp:Label ID="Label17" CssClass="label" runat="server" Text="Tax Amount"></asp:Label>
                                <asp:TextBox ID="txtTax" CssClass="textboxRO" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                            <asp:TableCell HorizontalAlign="Left">
                                <asp:Label ID="Label11" CssClass="label" runat="server" Text="Invoice Total"></asp:Label>
                                <asp:TextBox ID="txtInvoiceAmt" CssClass="textboxRO" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                    <br />
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                <div style="width: 811px; height: 397px">
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                        Height="65px" Width="600px"></asp:TextBox><br />
                    <br />
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                    <br />
                    <asp:Label ID="Label27" runat="server" Text="Result XML"></asp:Label><br />
                    <asp:TextBox ID="txtResultXML" CssClass="textmemoRO" ReadOnly="true" runat="server"
                        Height="65px" Width="600px"></asp:TextBox>
        <asp:HiddenField ID="fldUid" runat="server" />
        <asp:HiddenField ID="fldCoyName" runat="server" />
        <asp:HiddenField ID="fldCustEmail" runat="server" />
        <asp:HiddenField ID="fldDefWarehouse" runat="server" />
        <asp:HiddenField ID="fldPOReq" runat="server" />
        <asp:HiddenField ID="fldInvTerms" runat="server" />
        <asp:HiddenField ID="fldArea" runat="server" />
        <asp:HiddenField ID="fldErrorMessage" runat="server" />

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Partial Public Class SorDetail
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
    Dim mw As New MessageWindow
    Protected PostBackStr As String
    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        If Not IsPostBack Then
            fldUid.Value = Request.QueryString("uid")
            lstLineType.Items.Insert(0, "Stocked Item")
            lstLineType.Items.Insert(1, "Non Stocked Item")
            lstLineType.Items.Insert(2, "Comments")
            lstLineType.SelectedIndex = 0
            lstStockCode.Items.Insert(0, " ")
            lstStockCode.SelectedIndex = 0
            lstAddress.Items.Insert(0, " ")
            lstAddress.SelectedIndex = 0
            lstStockCode.SelectedIndex = -1
            fldErrorMessage.Value = ""
            lblError.Text = ""
            lstTaxCodeHeader.SelectedValue = "A"
            lstTaxCode.SelectedValue = "A"
            fldDefWarehouse.Value = "V"
            lstStockCode.Visible = False
            chHideLR.Checked = True
        End If

        If fldErrorMessage.Value <> "" Then
            Call mw.UserMsgBox(fldErrorMessage.Value)
            fldErrorMessage.Value = ""
        End If

        If chFilter.Checked Then
            grdStockItems.LayoutSettings.AllowFilter = ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Filter.Yes
            grdStockItems.LayoutSettings.AllowFilter = ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Filter.No
        End If

        If chFilterMain.Checked Then
            grdMain.LayoutSettings.AllowFilter = ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Filter.Yes
            grdMain.LayoutSettings.AllowFilter = ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Filter.No
        End If

    End Sub
    Protected Sub grdStockItems_InitializeDataSource(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.DataSourceEventArgs)

        Dim ds As New DataSet
        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim da As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBSelect As String

        If chHideLR.Checked Then
            DBSelect = "Select [SalesOrderLine] as 'Line Number', [LineType] as 'Line Type', [MStockCode] as 'Stock Code', [MStockDes] as 'Description', [MLineShipDate] as 'Request Date', [MOrderQty] as 'Qty Ordered', [MOrderUom] as 'Uom', ([MPrice] + [NMscChargeValue]) as 'Price', [NComment] as 'Comment', [MTaxCode] as 'Tax Code', [MWarehouse] as 'Warehouse' from [SorDetail] where [SalesOrder] = '" & txtSalesOrder.Text & "' and [NComment] NOT LIKE '%LOAN' and [NComment] NOT LIKE '%REBT'"
            DBSelect = "Select [SalesOrderLine] as 'Line Number', [LineType] as 'Line Type', [MStockCode] as 'Stock Code', [MStockDes] as 'Description', [MLineShipDate] as 'Request Date', [MOrderQty] as 'Qty Ordered', [MOrderUom] as 'Uom', ([MPrice] + [NMscChargeValue]) as 'Price', [NComment] as 'Comment', [MTaxCode] as 'Tax Code', [MWarehouse] as 'Warehouse' from [SorDetail] where [SalesOrder] = '" & txtSalesOrder.Text & "'"
        End If

        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        da = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        da.Fill(ds, "Stock Items")
        e.DataSource = ds

    End Sub

    Protected Sub grdStockItems_PrepareDataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.DataSourceEventArgs)


    End Sub
    Protected Sub grdStockItems_InitializeRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.RowEventArgs) Handles grdStockItems.InitializeRow

    End Sub
    Sub GetCustomerDetails()

        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim DBCommand As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBPageData As New DataSet
        Dim DBSelect As String

        DBSelect = "Select * From [ArCustomer] where [Customer] = '" & txtCustomer.Text & "'"
        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        DBCommand = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        DBCommand.Fill(DBPageData, "ArCustomer")
        If DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
            txtBranch.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("Branch").ToString
            txtBillAddr.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("SoldToAddr1").ToString
            txtBillAddr.Text = txtBillAddr.Text & vbCrLf & DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("SoldToAddr2").ToString
            txtBillAddr.Text = txtBillAddr.Text & vbCrLf & DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("SoldToAddr3").ToString
            txtBillAddr.Text = txtBillAddr.Text & vbCrLf & DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("SoldToAddr4").ToString
            txtBillCountry.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("SoldToAddr5").ToString
            txtBillPC.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("SoldPostalCode").ToString

            txtShipAddr.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipToAddr1").ToString
            txtShipAddr.Text = txtShipAddr.Text & vbCrLf & DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipToAddr2").ToString
            txtShipAddr.Text = txtShipAddr.Text & vbCrLf & DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipToAddr3").ToString
            txtShipAddr.Text = txtShipAddr.Text & vbCrLf & DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipToAddr4").ToString
            txtShipCountry.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipToAddr5").ToString
            txtShipPC.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipPostalCode").ToString
            fldCustEmail.Value = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("Email").ToString
            If DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("PONumberMandatory").ToString = "Y" Then
                fldPOReq.Value = "Y"
                fldPOReq.Value = "N"
            End If

            fldInvTerms.Value = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("TermsCode").ToString
            fldArea.Value = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("Area").ToString
            txtSalesperson.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("Salesperson").ToString
            txtOrderDate.Text = Day(Now()) & "/" & Month(Now()) & "/" & Year(Now())
            txtShipDate.Text = Day(Now()) & "/" & Month(Now()) & "/" & Year(Now())
        End If


        txtLineNo.Text = "1"
        lstLineType.SelectedIndex = 0
        lblDescription.Text = "Description"
        txtTotalMerch.Text = ""
        txtTotalLoan.Text = ""
        txtTotalRebate.Text = ""
        txtTax.Text = ""
        txtLines.Text = ""
        txtInvoiceAmt.Text = ""
        txtCustPO.Text = ""
        Call DisplayFields("Stocked Item")

        txtQty.Text = ""
        txtUom.Text = ""

    End Sub

    Sub GetSalesDetails()

        'save customer name
        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim DBCommand As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBPageData As New DataSet
        Dim DBSelect As String
        Dim TempDate As DateTime

        DBSelect = "Select * From [SorMaster] where [SalesOrder] = '" & txtSalesOrder.Text.Trim & "'"
        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        DBCommand = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        DBCommand.Fill(DBPageData, "SorMaster")
        If DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
            txtCustomer.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("Customer").ToString
            Call GetCustomerDetails()
            txtSalesperson.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("Salesperson").ToString
            TempDate = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("OrderDate")
            txtOrderDate.Text = Day(TempDate) & "/" & Month(TempDate) & "/" & Year(TempDate)
            TempDate = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ReqShipDate")
            txtShipDate.Text = Day(TempDate) & "/" & Month(TempDate) & "/" & Year(TempDate)
            txtShipInst.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShippingInstrs").ToString
            txtComments.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("SpecialInstrs").ToString
            txtShipAddr.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipAddress1").ToString
            txtShipAddr.Text = txtShipAddr.Text & vbCrLf & DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipAddress2").ToString
            txtShipAddr.Text = txtShipAddr.Text & vbCrLf & DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipAddress3").ToString
            txtShipAddr.Text = txtShipAddr.Text & vbCrLf & DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipAddress4").ToString
            txtShipCountry.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipAddress5").ToString
            txtShipPC.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipPostalCode").ToString
            txtCustPO.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("CustomerPONumber").ToString
            lstTaxCodeHeader.SelectedValue = "A"
            lstTaxCode.SelectedValue = "A"
            Call CalcTotals()
            Call RebindStockGrd()
        End If


        Call SetupOrderDetails()

    End Sub
    Protected Sub WebToolBar1_CommandClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop.ToolCommandClickEventArgs)

        Dim MessageString As String
        MessageString = e.ClickedCommand.Text
        Select Case MessageString
            Case "New"
                lblError.Text = ""
                MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0
                txtSalesOrder.Text = ""
                txtSalesOrderDetail.Text = ""
                txtSalesOrderTotal.Text = ""
                Call NewCustomerOrder()
                lstStockCode.SelectedIndex = -1
                lstAddress.SelectedIndex = -1
                lstTaxCodeHeader.SelectedValue = "A"
                lstTaxCode.SelectedValue = "A"
                chHideLR.Checked = True
            Case "Open"
                lblError.Text = ""
                MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0
                Call NewSalesOrder()
                lstStockCode.SelectedIndex = -1
                lstAddress.SelectedIndex = -1
                chHideLR.Checked = True
            Case "Save"
                lblError.Text = ""
                Call SaveSalesOrder()
                Call RebindStockGrd()
            Case "Delete"
                If DetailLinePresent() Then
                    Call DeleteOrderLine()
                    Call RebindStockGrd()
                    Call DeleteOrder()
                    MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0
                End If
            Case "Header"
                MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 1
            Case "Detail"
                If txtSalesOrder.Text.Trim = "" Then
                    mw.UserMsgBox("Please save header details first before adding detail lines")
                    Call SetupOrderDetails()
                    MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 2
                End If
            Case "Totals"
                MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 3
            Case "XML"
                MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 4
        End Select

    End Sub
    Sub DeleteOrderLine()

        Dim ThisConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        Dim NonQueryCommand As SqlCommand = ThisConnection.CreateCommand()
        Dim Cmd As String
        Dim ThisRow As Integer
        Dim LineNo As Decimal
        Dim StockLine As String
        Dim LoanCheck As String
        Dim RebateCheck As String

            ThisRow = grdStockItems.RetrieveClientLastSelectedObject().RowIndex
            LineNo = Convert.ToDecimal(grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(0).Value)
        Catch ex As Exception
            Call mw.UserMsgBox("Please select a line to delete")
            GoTo SUBEND

        End Try

        If LineNo >= 0 Then
                Cmd = "DELETE FROM [SorDetail] WHERE [SalesOrder] = '" & txtSalesOrder.Text & "' and [SalesOrderLine] = " & LineNo
                NonQueryCommand.CommandText = Cmd

                'delete any lines that might be attached to this one

            Catch ex As Exception
                lblError.Text = Convert.ToString(ex)
                GoTo SUBEND
            End Try

            StockLine = Convert.ToString(LineNo)
            Do Until Len(StockLine) > 3
                StockLine = "0" & StockLine

            LoanCheck = StockLine & "LOAN"
            RebateCheck = StockLine & "REBT"
                Cmd = "DELETE FROM [SorDetail] WHERE [SalesOrder] = '" & txtSalesOrder.Text & "' and ([NComment] = '" & LoanCheck & "' OR [NComment] = '" & RebateCheck & "')"
                NonQueryCommand.CommandText = Cmd
            Catch ex As Exception
                lblError.Text = Convert.ToString(ex)
                GoTo SUBEND
            End Try

            mw.UserMsgBox("Please select a line to delete")
        End If


    End Sub
    Sub SaveSalesOrder()

        If Not ValidValues() Then
            GoTo ENDSUB
        End If

        Dim HeaderXML As String
        Dim DetailXML As String
        Dim XMLParam As String = GetXMLParam()
        Dim ResultXML As String = ""
        If txtSalesOrder.Text.Trim = "" Then
            HeaderXML = GetHeaderXML("A")
            DetailXML = ""
            HeaderXML = GetHeaderXML("C")
            DetailXML = GetDetailXML()
        End If

        Dim Util As New Syspro.Utilities.Utilities
        Dim ValidLogin As Boolean = True

        Dim Trans As New Syspro.Transaction.Transaction
        ResultXML = Trans.Post(fldUid.Value, "SORTOI", XMLParam, HeaderXML & DetailXML)
        If InStr(ResultXML, "System.Runtime.InteropServices") > 0 Then
            lblError.Text = "Error found - " & ResultXML
            Call GetSalesOrder(ResultXML)
        End If

        txtParamXML.Text = XMLParam
        txtXML.Text = HeaderXML & DetailXML
        txtResultXML.Text = ResultXML
        Call SetupOrderDetails()
        Call CalcTotals()

    End Sub
    Function GetXMLParam() As String

        Dim XMLParam As String = ""

        XMLParam &= "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""Windows-1252""?>"

        XMLParam &= "<SalesOrders xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"" xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""SORTOI.XSD"">"
        XMLParam &= "  <Parameters>"
        XMLParam &= "     <InBoxMsgReqd>Y</InBoxMsgReqd>"
        XMLParam &= "     <Process>IMPORT</Process>"
        XMLParam &= "     <CustomerToUse/>"
        XMLParam &= "     <WarehouseListToUse>" & fldDefWarehouse.Value & "</WarehouseListToUse>"
        XMLParam &= "     <TypeOfOrder>ORD</TypeOfOrder>"
        XMLParam &= "     <OrderStatus>1</OrderStatus>"
        XMLParam &= "     <MinimumDaysToShip>0</MinimumDaysToShip>"
        XMLParam &= "     <AllowNonStockItems>Y</AllowNonStockItems>"
        XMLParam &= "     <AcceptOrdersIfNoCredit>Y</AcceptOrdersIfNoCredit>"
        XMLParam &= "     <AcceptEarlierShipDate>Y</AcceptEarlierShipDate>"
        XMLParam &= "     <OperatorToInform>" & User.Identity.Name.Trim() & "</OperatorToInform>"
        XMLParam &= "     <CreditFailMessage>No credit available</CreditFailMessage>"
        XMLParam &= "     <ValidProductClassList></ValidProductClassList>"
        XMLParam &= "     <ShipFromDefaultBin>N</ShipFromDefaultBin>"
        XMLParam &= "     <AllowDuplicateOrderNumbers>Y</AllowDuplicateOrderNumbers>"
        XMLParam &= "     <CheckForCustomerPoNumbers>Y</CheckForCustomerPoNumbers>"
        XMLParam &= "     <AllowInvoiceInformationEntry/>"
        XMLParam &= "     <AlwaysUsePriceEntered/>"
        XMLParam &= "     <AllowZeroPrice/>"
        XMLParam &= "     <AllowChangeToZeroPrice></AllowChangeToZeroPrice>"
        XMLParam &= "     <AddStockSalesOrderText>N</AddStockSalesOrderText>"
        XMLParam &= "     <AddDangerousGoodsText>N</AddDangerousGoodsText>"
        XMLParam &= "     <UseStockDescSupplied/>"
        XMLParam &= "     <ValidateShippingInstrs/>"
        XMLParam &= "     <AllocationAction></AllocationAction>"
        XMLParam &= "     <IgnoreWarnings>N</IgnoreWarnings>"
        XMLParam &= "     <AddAttachedServiceCharges></AddAttachedServiceCharges>"
        XMLParam &= "     <StatusInProcess></StatusInProcess>"
        XMLParam &= "     <StatusInProcessResponse></StatusInProcessResponse>"
        XMLParam &= "     <WarnIfCustomerOnHold>N</WarnIfCustomerOnHold>"
        XMLParam &= "     <AcceptKitOptional>N</AcceptKitOptional>"
        XMLParam &= "     <AllowBackOrderForPartialHold></AllowBackOrderForPartialHold>"
        XMLParam &= "     <UseMasterAccountForCustomerPartNo></UseMasterAccountForCustomerPartNo>"
        XMLParam &= "     <ApplyLeadTimeCalculation></ApplyLeadTimeCalculation>"
        XMLParam &= "     <ApplyParentDiscountToComponents>N</ApplyParentDiscountToComponents>"
        XMLParam &= "     <AllowManualOrderNumberToBeUsed>N</AllowManualOrderNumberToBeUsed>"
        XMLParam &= "     <ReserveStock></ReserveStock>"
        XMLParam &= "     <ReserveStockRequestAllocs></ReserveStockRequestAllocs>"
        XMLParam &= "   </Parameters>"
        XMLParam &= "</SalesOrders>"

        Return XMLParam

    End Function
    Private Function ValidValues() As Boolean

        ValidValues = True
        If txtCustPO.Text.Trim = "" And fldPOReq.Value = "Y" Then
            txtCustPO.ToolTip = "Purchase order cannot be blank"
            txtCustPO.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
            ValidValues = False
            txtCustPO.BackColor = Drawing.Color.White
            txtCustPO.ToolTip = ""
        End If

        If txtShipDate.Text.Trim = "" Then
            txtShipDate.ToolTip = "Shipping date cannot be blank"
            txtShipDate.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
            ValidValues = False
            txtShipDate.BackColor = Drawing.Color.White
            txtShipDate.ToolTip = ""
        End If

        If Not ValidValues Then
            Call mw.UserMsgBox("Errors found on form - please correct before re-submitting")
        End If

    End Function
    Private Function GetHeaderXML(ByVal PostMethod As Char) As String

        Dim SXml As String
        Dim TempDate As DateTime
        Dim addtext() As String
        Dim line As String
        Dim DD As String
        Dim MM As String
        Dim YY As String
        Dim arrlist As ArrayList
        Dim CharSearch As Integer

        arrlist = New ArrayList
        addtext = txtShipAddr.Text.Split(vbCrLf)
        For Each line In addtext
            line = line.Replace(vbCr, "").Replace(vbLf, "")

        If arrlist.Count < 5 Then
            Do Until arrlist.Count = 5
                arrlist.Add(" ")
        End If

        For i = 0 To 4
            CharSearch = InStr(arrlist(i), "&")
            If CharSearch > 0 Then
                arrlist(i) = Left(arrlist(i), CharSearch - 1) & "@amp;" & Right(arrlist(i), Len(arrlist(i)) - CharSearch)
                If Len(arrlist(i)) > 40 Then
                    arrlist(i) = Left(arrlist(i), 40)
                End If
            End If

        YY = Convert.ToString(Year(Today()))
        MM = Convert.ToString(Month(Today()))
        DD = Convert.ToString(Day(Today()))
        If Len(MM) <> 2 Then
            MM = "0" & MM
        End If

        If Len(DD) <> 2 Then
            DD = "0" & DD
        End If

        SXml = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""Windows-1252""?>"
        SXml &= "<SalesOrders xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"" xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""SORTOIDOC.XSD"">"
        SXml &= "   <TransmissionHeader>"
        SXml &= "      <TransmissionReference>00000000000003</TransmissionReference>"
        SXml &= "      <SenderCode></SenderCode>"
        SXml &= "      <ReceiverCode>HO</ReceiverCode>"
        SXml &= "      <DatePrepared>" & YY & "-" & MM & "-" & DD & "</DatePrepared>"
        SXml &= "      <TimePrepared>" & Hour(Now()) & ":" & Minute(Now()) & "</TimePrepared>"
        SXml &= "   </TransmissionHeader>"
        SXml &= "   <Orders>"
        SXml &= "      <OrderHeader>"
        SXml &= "         <CustomerPoNumber>" & txtCustPO.Text.Trim & "</CustomerPoNumber>"
        SXml &= "         <OrderActionType>" & PostMethod & "</OrderActionType>"
        SXml &= "         <NewCustomerPoNumber/>"
        SXml &= "         <Supplier/>"
        SXml &= "         <Customer>" & txtCustomer.Text.Trim & "</Customer>"

        TempDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtOrderDate.Text)
        YY = Convert.ToString(Year(TempDate))
        MM = Convert.ToString(Month(TempDate))
        DD = Convert.ToString(Day(TempDate))
        If Len(MM) <> 2 Then
            MM = "0" & MM
        End If

        If Len(DD) <> 2 Then
            DD = "0" & DD
        End If

        SXml &= "         <OrderDate>" & YY & "-" & MM & "-" & DD & "</OrderDate>"
        SXml &= "         <InvoiceTerms>" & fldInvTerms.Value & "</InvoiceTerms>"
        SXml &= "         <Currency>$</Currency>"
        SXml &= "         <ShippingInstrs>" & txtShipInst.Text.Trim & "</ShippingInstrs>"
        SXml &= "         <CustomerName>" & fldCoyName.Value & "</CustomerName>"
        SXml &= "         <ShipAddress1>" & arrlist.Item(0) & "</ShipAddress1>"
        SXml &= "         <ShipAddress2>" & arrlist.Item(1) & "</ShipAddress2>"
        SXml &= "         <ShipAddress3>" & arrlist.Item(2) & "</ShipAddress3>"
        SXml &= "         <ShipAddress4>" & arrlist.Item(3) & "</ShipAddress4>"
        SXml &= "         <ShipAddress5>" & arrlist.Item(4) & "</ShipAddress5>"
        SXml &= "         <ShipPostalCode>" & txtShipPC.Text & "</ShipPostalCode>"
        SXml &= "         <Email>" & fldCustEmail.Value & "</Email>"
        SXml &= "         <Warehouse>" & fldDefWarehouse.Value & "</Warehouse>"
        SXml &= "         <SpecialInstrs>" & txtComments.Text & "</SpecialInstrs>"
        SXml &= "         <SalesOrder>" & txtSalesOrder.Text.Trim & "</SalesOrder>"
        SXml &= "         <OrderType>1</OrderType>"
        SXml &= "         <MultiShipCode></MultiShipCode>"
        SXml &= "         <ShipAddressPerLine></ShipAddressPerLine>"
        SXml &= "         <AlternateReference/>"
        SXml &= "         <Salesperson>" & txtSalesperson.Text & "</Salesperson>"
        SXml &= "         <Branch></Branch>"
        SXml &= "         <Area></Area>"

        TempDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtShipDate.Text)
        YY = Convert.ToString(Year(TempDate))
        MM = Convert.ToString(Month(TempDate))
        DD = Convert.ToString(Day(TempDate))
        If Len(MM) <> 2 Then
            MM = "0" & MM
        End If

        If Len(DD) <> 2 Then
            DD = "0" & DD
        End If

        SXml &= "         <RequestedShipDate>" & YY & "-" & MM & "-" & DD & "</RequestedShipDate>"
        SXml &= "         <InvoiceNumberEntered></InvoiceNumberEntered>"
        SXml &= "         <InvoiceDateEntered></InvoiceDateEntered>"
        SXml &= "         <OrderComments/>"
        SXml &= "         <Nationality/>"
        SXml &= "         <DeliveryTerms/>"
        SXml &= "         <TransactionNature/>"
        SXml &= "         <TransportMode/>"
        SXml &= "         <ProcessFlag/>"
        SXml &= "         <TaxExemptNumber/>"
        SXml &= "         <TaxExemptionStatus></TaxExemptionStatus>"
        SXml &= "         <GstExemptNumber/>"
        SXml &= "         <GstExemptionStatus></GstExemptionStatus>"
        SXml &= "         <CompanyTaxNumber/>"
        If PostMethod = "D" Then
            SXml &= "         <CancelReasonCode>OB</CancelReasonCode>"
            SXml &= "         <CancelReasonCode/>"
        End If

        SXml &= "         <DocumentFormat/>"
        SXml &= "         <State/>"
        SXml &= "         <CountyZip/>"
        SXml &= "         <City/>"
        SXml &= "         <InvoiceWholeOrderOnly></InvoiceWholeOrderOnly>"
        SXml &= "         <eSignature></eSignature>"
        SXml &= "      </OrderHeader>"

        If PostMethod <> "C" Then
            SXml &= "   </Orders>"
            SXml &= "</SalesOrders>"
        End If

        'search for special characters
        Return SXml

    End Function
    Function GetDetailXML()

        Dim SXml As String = "<OrderDetails>"
        Dim LineType As String
        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim DBCommand As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBPageData As New DataSet
        Dim DBSelect As String
        Dim ThisStock As String
        Dim ThisDesc As String
        Dim ThisPrice As Decimal
        Dim ThisQty As String
        Dim ThisUom As String
        Dim ThisLineNo As String
        Dim ThisShipDate As DateTime
        Dim LastStockLine As String = ""
        Dim LineWritten As Boolean = False
        Dim CalcQty As Decimal = 0
        Dim ThisTaxCode As String = ""
        Dim ThisWarehouse As String

        DBSelect = "Select * from [SorDetail] WHERE [SalesOrder] = '" & txtSalesOrder.Text.Trim & "'"
        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        DBCommand = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        DBCommand.Fill(DBPageData, "SalesOrder")

        For i As Integer = 0 To DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
            LineType = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("LineType")
            ThisLineNo = Convert.ToString(DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("SalesOrderLine"))
            ThisPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MPrice"))
            CalcQty = Convert.ToDecimal(DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MOrderQty"))

            If ThisLineNo = txtLineNo.Text.Trim Then
                ThisTaxCode = lstTaxCode.SelectedValue
                ThisShipDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStockDate.Text)
                LineWritten = True
                Select Case lstLineType.SelectedValue
                    Case "Stocked Item"
                        ThisWarehouse = lstWarehouse.SelectedValue
                        SXml &= XMLLineType1("C", "A", txtLineNo.Text.Trim, txtStockCode.Text, txtStockDesc.Text.Trim, txtQty.Text.Trim, txtUom.Text.Trim, ThisShipDate, txtPrice.Text, ThisTaxCode, ThisWarehouse)
                        LastStockLine = txtLineNo.Text
                    Case "Non Stocked Item"
                        SXml &= XMLLineType2("C", txtLineNo.Text.Trim, txtStockCode.Text, txtStockDesc.Text.Trim, txtQty.Text.Trim, txtUom.Text.Trim, ThisShipDate, txtPrice.Text, ThisTaxCode)
                        LastStockLine = txtLineNo.Text
                    Case "Comments"
                        SXml &= XMLLinetype6("C", txtLineNo.Text.Trim, txtStockDesc.Text.Trim, LastStockLine.Trim)
                End Select
                ThisShipDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStockDate.Text)
                Select Case LineType
                    Case "1"
                        ThisStock = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MStockCode")
                        ThisDesc = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MStockDes")
                        ThisQty = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MOrderQty")
                        ThisUom = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MOrderUom")
                        ThisTaxCode = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MTaxCode")
                        ThisShipDate = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MLineShipDate")
                        LastStockLine = ThisLineNo
                        ThisWarehouse = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MWarehouse")
                        SXml &= XMLLineType1("C", "C", ThisLineNo.Trim, ThisStock.Trim, ThisDesc.Trim, ThisQty.Trim, ThisUom.Trim, ThisShipDate, ThisPrice, ThisTaxCode, ThisWarehouse)
                    Case "2"
                        ThisStock = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MStockCode")
                        ThisDesc = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MStockDes")
                        ThisQty = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MOrderQty")
                        ThisUom = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MTaxCode")
                        ThisShipDate = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MLineShipDate")
                        LastStockLine = ThisLineNo
                        SXml &= XMLLineType2("C", ThisLineNo.Trim, ThisStock.Trim, ThisDesc.Trim, ThisQty.Trim, ThisUom.Trim, ThisShipDate, ThisPrice, ThisTaxCode)
                    Case "6"
                        ThisDesc = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("NComment")
                        LastStockLine = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("NCommentFromLin")
                        SXml &= XMLLinetype6("C", ThisLineNo.Trim, ThisDesc.Trim, LastStockLine.Trim)
                End Select
            End If


        If Not LineWritten And (txtStockDesc.Text.Trim <> "" Or txtQty.Text <> "") Then
            ThisLineNo = txtLineNo.Text
            Select Case lstLineType.SelectedValue
                Case "Stocked Item"
                    ThisShipDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStockDate.Text)
                    ThisPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPrice.Text)
                    ThisStock = txtStockCode.Text
                    ThisWarehouse = lstWarehouse.SelectedValue
                    SXml &= XMLLineType1("A", "A", txtLineNo.Text.Trim, ThisStock, txtStockDesc.Text.Trim, txtQty.Text.Trim, txtUom.Text.Trim, ThisShipDate, ThisPrice, lstTaxCode.SelectedValue, ThisWarehouse)
                    LastStockLine = txtLineNo.Text
                Case "Non Stocked Item"
                    ThisShipDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStockDate.Text)
                    ThisPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPrice.Text)
                    SXml &= XMLLineType2("A", txtLineNo.Text.Trim, txtStockCode.Text, txtStockDesc.Text.Trim, txtQty.Text.Trim, txtUom.Text.Trim, ThisShipDate, ThisPrice, lstTaxCode.SelectedValue)
                    LastStockLine = txtLineNo.Text
                Case "Comments"
                    SXml &= XMLLinetype6("A", txtLineNo.Text.Trim, txtStockDesc.Text.Trim, LastStockLine.Trim)
            End Select
        End If
        SXml &= "      </OrderDetails>"
        SXml &= "   </Orders>"

        SXml &= "</SalesOrders>"

        'Call CalcTotals()
        Return SXml

    End Function
    Function GetTaxAmt(ByVal ThisTaxCode As String) As Decimal

        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim DBCommand As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBPageData As New DataSet
        Dim DBSelect As String

        DBSelect = "Select [CurTaxRate] from [AdmTax] WHERE [TaxCode] = '" & ThisTaxCode & "'"
        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        DBCommand = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        DBCommand.Fill(DBPageData, "AdmTax")

        If DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
            Return DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("CurTaxRate")
            Return 0
        End If

    End Function
    Function XMLLineType1(ByVal ThisMode As String, ByVal LoanMode As String, ByVal ThisLineNo As String, ByVal ThisStock As String, ByVal ThisDesc As String, ByVal ThisQty As String, ByVal ThisUom As String, ByVal ThisShipDate As DateTime, ByVal ThisPrice As Decimal, ByVal ThisTaxCode As String, ByVal ThisWarehouse As String) As String

        Dim ThisXml As String = ""
        Dim LoanXml As String = ""
        Dim TempDate As DateTime
        Dim LoanAmt As Decimal = 0
        Dim DD As String
        Dim MM As String
        Dim YY As String

        ThisXml &= "      <StockLine>"
        ThisXml &= "         <CustomerPoLine>" & ThisLineNo & "</CustomerPoLine>"
        ThisXml &= "         <LineActionType>" & ThisMode & "</LineActionType>"
        ThisXml &= "         <LineCancelCode/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <StockCode>" & ThisStock & "</StockCode>"
        ThisXml &= "         <StockDescription>" & ThisDesc & "</StockDescription>"
        ThisXml &= "         <Warehouse>" & Trim(ThisWarehouse) & "</Warehouse>"
        'ThisXml &= "         <Warehouse>" & GetWarehouse(ThisStock) & "</Warehouse>"
        ThisXml &= "         <CustomersPartNumber></CustomersPartNumber>"
        ThisXml &= "         <OrderQty>" & ThisQty & "</OrderQty>"
        ThisXml &= "         <OrderUom>" & ThisUom & "</OrderUom>"

        If fldArea.Value <> "A" Then
            ThisLineNo = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt16(ThisLineNo) + 1)
            LoanXml = GetLoanAmt(ThisMode, ThisStock, ThisLineNo, LoanAmt, ThisQty)
        End If

        'If LoanMode = "A" Then
        '    ThisPrice = ThisPrice - LoanAmt
        'End If

        ThisXml &= "         <Price>" & Convert.ToString(ThisPrice) & "</Price>"
        ThisXml &= "         <PriceUom>" & ThisUom & "</PriceUom>"
        ThisXml &= "         <PriceCode></PriceCode>"
        ThisXml &= "         <AlwaysUsePriceEntered/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <Units/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <Pieces/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <ProductClass></ProductClass>"
        ThisXml &= "         <LineDiscPercent1></LineDiscPercent1>"
        ThisXml &= "         <LineDiscPercent2></LineDiscPercent2>"
        ThisXml &= "         <LineDiscPercent3></LineDiscPercent3>"

        TempDate = ThisShipDate
        YY = Convert.ToString(Year(TempDate))
        MM = Convert.ToString(Month(TempDate))
        DD = Convert.ToString(Day(TempDate))
        If Len(MM) <> 2 Then
            MM = "0" & MM
        End If

        If Len(DD) <> 2 Then
            DD = "0" & DD
        End If

        ThisXml &= "         <CustRequestDate>" & YY & "-" & MM & "-" & DD & "</CustRequestDate>"
        ThisXml &= "         <CommissionCode></CommissionCode>"
        ThisXml &= "         <LineShipDate/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <LineDiscValue>0</LineDiscValue>"
        ThisXml &= "         <LineDiscValFlag></LineDiscValFlag>"
        ThisXml &= "         <OverrideCalculatedDiscount/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <NonStockedLine/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <NsProductClass></NsProductClass>"
        ThisXml &= "            <NsUnitCost/>"
        ThisXml &= "            <UnitMass/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <UnitVolume/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <StockTaxCode>" & ThisTaxCode & "</StockTaxCode>"
        ThisXml &= "         <StockNotTaxable/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <StockFstCode/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <StockNotFstTaxable/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <AllocationAction></AllocationAction>"
        ThisXml &= "         <ConfigPrintInv></ConfigPrintInv>"
        ThisXml &= "         <ConfigPrintDel></ConfigPrintDel>"
        ThisXml &= "         <ConfigPrintAck></ConfigPrintAck>"
        ThisXml &= "         <TariffCode></TariffCode>"
        ThisXml &= "         <LineMultiShipCode></LineMultiShipCode>"
        ThisXml &= "         <SupplementaryUnitsFactor></SupplementaryUnitsFactor>"
        ThisXml &= "         <ReserveStock></ReserveStock>"
        ThisXml &= "         <ReserveStockRequestAllocs></ReserveStockRequestAllocs>"
        ThisXml &= "      </StockLine>"

        If fldArea.Value <> "A" Then
            ThisLineNo = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt16(ThisLineNo) + 1)
            ThisXml &= LoanXml
        End If

        ThisXml &= GetRebateAmt(ThisMode, ThisStock, ThisLineNo)
        Return ThisXml

    End Function
    Function GetLoanAmt(ByVal ThisMode As String, ByVal ThisStock As String, ByVal ThisLineNo As String, ByRef LoanAmt As Decimal, ByVal ThisQty As String) As String

        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim DBCommand As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBPageData As New DataSet
        Dim DBSelect As String
        Dim StockLine As String

        StockLine = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal(ThisLineNo.Trim) - 1)
        Do Until Len(StockLine) > 3
            StockLine = "0" & StockLine

        DBSelect = "Select [MsaSorLoan].*, [InvMaster].[ConvFactAltUom] from [MsaSorLoan] Inner Join InvMaster on [InvMaster].[StockCode] = [MsaSorLoan].[StockCode] WHERE [Customer] = '" & txtCustomer.Text.Trim & "' and [MsaSorLoan].[StockCode] = '" & ThisStock & "'"
        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        DBCommand = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        DBCommand.Fill(DBPageData, "MsaSorLoan")

        If DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0 Then
            LoanAmt = 0
            Return ""
            GoTo ENDSUB
        End If

        Dim ThisXml As String = ""
        LoanAmt = System.Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("LoanAmt")) * Convert.ToDecimal(DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ConvFactAltUom")) * Convert.ToDecimal(ThisQty), 2)
        ThisXml &= "      <MiscChargeLine>"
        ThisXml &= "         <CustomerPoLine>" & ThisLineNo & "</CustomerPoLine>"
        ThisXml &= "         <LineActionType>" & ThisMode & "</LineActionType>"
        ThisXml &= "         <LineCancelCode/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscChargeValue>" & Convert.ToString(LoanAmt) & "</MiscChargeValue>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscChargeCost>0</MiscChargeCost>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscQuantity>" & ThisQty & "</MiscQuantity>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscProductClass>LOAN</MiscProductClass>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscTaxCode>A</MiscTaxCode>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscNotTaxable/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscFstCode></MiscFstCode>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscNotFstTaxable/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscDescription>" & StockLine & "LOAN</MiscDescription>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscChargeCode></MiscChargeCode>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscTariffCode></MiscTariffCode>"
        ThisXml &= "         <ConfigPrintInv></ConfigPrintInv>"
        ThisXml &= "         <ConfigPrintDel></ConfigPrintDel>"
        ThisXml &= "         <ConfigPrintAck></ConfigPrintAck>"
        ThisXml &= "      </MiscChargeLine>"


        Return ThisXml


    End Function
    Function GetRebateAmt(ByVal ThisMode As String, ByVal ThisStock As String, ByVal ThisLineNo As String) As String

        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim DBCommand As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBPageData As New DataSet
        Dim DBSelect As String
        Dim StockLine As String

        StockLine = txtLineNo.Text.Trim
        Do Until Len(StockLine) > 3
            StockLine = "0" & StockLine

        DBSelect = "Select * from [MsaSorRebate] WHERE [Customer] = '" & txtCustomer.Text.Trim & "' and [StockCode] = '" & ThisStock & "'"
        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        DBCommand = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        DBCommand.Fill(DBPageData, "MsaSorRebate")

        If DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0 Then
            Return ""
            GoTo ENDSUB
        End If

        Dim ThisXml As String = ""

        ThisXml &= "      <MiscChargeLine>"
        ThisXml &= "         <CustomerPoLine>" & ThisLineNo & "</CustomerPoLine>"
        ThisXml &= "         <LineActionType>" & ThisMode & "</LineActionType>"
        ThisXml &= "         <LineCancelCode/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscChargeValue>" & DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("RebateAmt").ToString & "</MiscChargeValue>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscChargeCost>0</MiscChargeCost>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscQuantity>" & txtQty.Text & "</MiscQuantity>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscProductClass>REBT</MiscProductClass>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscTaxCode>A</MiscTaxCode>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscNotTaxable/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscFstCode></MiscFstCode>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscNotFstTaxable/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscDescription>" & StockLine & "REBT</MiscDescription>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscChargeCode></MiscChargeCode>"
        ThisXml &= "         <MiscTariffCode></MiscTariffCode>"
        ThisXml &= "         <ConfigPrintInv></ConfigPrintInv>"
        ThisXml &= "         <ConfigPrintDel></ConfigPrintDel>"
        ThisXml &= "         <ConfigPrintAck></ConfigPrintAck>"
        ThisXml &= "      </MiscChargeLine>"


        Return ThisXml


    End Function
    Function XMLLineType2(ByVal ThisMode As String, ByVal ThisLineNo As String, ByVal ThisStock As String, ByVal ThisDesc As String, ByVal ThisQty As String, ByVal ThisUom As String, ByVal ThisShipDate As DateTime, ByVal ThisPrice As Decimal, ByVal ThisTaxCode As String) As String

        Dim ThisXml As String = ""
        Dim TempDate As DateTime
        Dim YY As String
        Dim MM As String
        Dim DD As String

        ThisXml &= "   <StockLine>"
        ThisXml &= "      <CustomerPoLine>" & ThisLineNo & "</CustomerPoLine>"
        ThisXml &= "      <LineActionType>" & ThisMode & "</LineActionType>"
        ThisXml &= "      <LineCancelCode/>"
        ThisXml &= "      <StockCode>" & ThisStock & "</StockCode>"
        ThisXml &= "      <StockDescription>" & ThisDesc & "</StockDescription>"
        ThisXml &= "      <Warehouse>FG</Warehouse>"
        ThisXml &= "      <CustomersPartNumber></CustomersPartNumber>"
        ThisXml &= "      <OrderQty>" & ThisQty & "</OrderQty>"
        ThisXml &= "      <OrderUom>" & ThisUom & "</OrderUom>"
        ThisXml &= "      <Price>" & Convert.ToString(ThisPrice) & "</Price>"
        ThisXml &= "      <PriceUom>" & ThisUom & "</PriceUom>"
        ThisXml &= "      <PriceCode></PriceCode>"
        ThisXml &= "      <AlwaysUsePriceEntered/>"
        ThisXml &= "      <Units/>"
        ThisXml &= "      <Pieces/>"
        ThisXml &= "      <ProductClass>" & lstProductClass.SelectedValue & "</ProductClass>"
        ThisXml &= "      <LineDiscPercent1></LineDiscPercent1>"
        ThisXml &= "      <LineDiscPercent2></LineDiscPercent2>"
        ThisXml &= "      <LineDiscPercent3></LineDiscPercent3>"

        TempDate = ThisShipDate
        YY = Convert.ToString(Year(TempDate))
        MM = Convert.ToString(Month(TempDate))
        DD = Convert.ToString(Day(TempDate))
        If Len(MM) <> 2 Then
            MM = "0" & MM
        End If

        If Len(DD) <> 2 Then
            DD = "0" & DD
        End If

        ThisXml &= "      <CustRequestDate>" & YY & "-" & MM & "-" & DD & "</CustRequestDate>"
        ThisXml &= "      <CommissionCode></CommissionCode>"
        ThisXml &= "      <LineShipDate/>"
        ThisXml &= "      <LineDiscValue>0</LineDiscValue>"
        ThisXml &= "      <LineDiscValFlag></LineDiscValFlag>"
        ThisXml &= "      <OverrideCalculatedDiscount/>"
        ThisXml &= "      <NonStockedLine/>"
        ThisXml &= "      <NsProductClass>" & lstProductClass.SelectedValue & "</NsProductClass>"
        ThisXml &= "         <NsUnitCost/>"
        ThisXml &= "         <UnitMass/>"
        ThisXml &= "      <UnitVolume/>"
        ThisXml &= "      <StockTaxCode>" & ThisTaxCode & "</StockTaxCode>"
        ThisXml &= "      <StockNotTaxable/>"
        ThisXml &= "      <StockFstCode/>"
        ThisXml &= "      <StockNotFstTaxable/>"
        ThisXml &= "      <AllocationAction></AllocationAction>"
        ThisXml &= "      <ConfigPrintInv></ConfigPrintInv>"
        ThisXml &= "      <ConfigPrintDel></ConfigPrintDel>"
        ThisXml &= "      <ConfigPrintAck></ConfigPrintAck>"
        ThisXml &= "      <TariffCode></TariffCode>"
        ThisXml &= "      <LineMultiShipCode></LineMultiShipCode>"
        ThisXml &= "      <SupplementaryUnitsFactor></SupplementaryUnitsFactor>"
        ThisXml &= "      <ReserveStock></ReserveStock>"
        ThisXml &= "      <ReserveStockRequestAllocs></ReserveStockRequestAllocs>"
        ThisXml &= "   </StockLine>"
        Return ThisXml

    End Function
    Function XMLLinetype6(ByVal ThisMode As String, ByVal ThisLineNo As String, ByVal ThisDesc As String, ByVal LastStockLine As String) As String

        Dim ThisXML As String = ""

        ThisXML &= "    <CommentLine>"
        ThisXML &= "       <CustomerPoLine>" & ThisLineNo & "</CustomerPoLine>"
        ThisXML &= "       <LineActionType>" & ThisMode & "</LineActionType>"
        ThisXML &= "       <Comment>" & ThisDesc & "</Comment>"
        ThisXML &= "       <AttachedLineNumber>" & LastStockLine & "</AttachedLineNumber>"
        ThisXML &= "       <CommentType/>"
        ThisXML &= "    </CommentLine>"

        Return ThisXML

    End Function
    Sub GetSalesOrder(ByVal XmlOut As String)

        If InStr(XmlOut, "<ErrorDescription>") > 0 Then
            lblError.Text = "Error found on form - " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Mid(XmlOut, InStr(XmlOut, "<ErrorDescription>") + 18, InStr(XmlOut, "</ErrorDescription>") - 18 - InStr(XmlOut, "<ErrorDescription>"))
            Call mw.UserMsgBox(lblError.Text)
            GoTo ENDSUB
        End If

        If InStr(XmlOut, "<WarningDescription>") > 0 Then
            lblError.Text = "Warning - " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Mid(XmlOut, InStr(XmlOut, "<WarningDescription>") + 20, InStr(XmlOut, "</WarningDescription>") - 20 - InStr(XmlOut, "<ErrorDescription>"))
            Call mw.UserMsgBox(lblError.Text)
            GoTo ENDSUB
        End If

        lblError.Text = "Sales Order Saved Successfully"
        If txtSalesOrder.Text.Trim = "" And InStr(XmlOut, "<SalesOrder>") > 0 Then
            txtSalesOrder.Text = Mid(XmlOut, InStr(XmlOut, "<SalesOrder>") + 12, InStr(XmlOut, "</SalesOrder>") - 12 - InStr(XmlOut, "<SalesOrder>"))
            txtSalesOrderDetail.Text = txtSalesOrder.Text
            txtSalesOrderTotal.Text = txtSalesOrder.Text
        End If


    End Sub
    Private Sub chFilter_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chFilter.CheckedChanged
        If chFilter.Checked Then
            grdStockItems.LayoutSettings.AllowFilter = ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Filter.Yes
            grdStockItems.LayoutSettings.AllowFilter = ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Filter.No
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub chFilterMain_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chFilterMain.CheckedChanged
        If chFilterMain.Checked Then
            grdMain.LayoutSettings.AllowFilter = ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Filter.Yes
            grdMain.LayoutSettings.AllowFilter = ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Filter.No
        End If
    End Sub
    Protected Sub grdMain_InitializeDataSource(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.DataSourceEventArgs)

        Dim ds As New DataSet
        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim da As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBSelect As String

        If fldMode.Value = "Customer" Then
            DBSelect = "Select [Customer], [Name], [CreditStatus] as 'Credit Status', [ShipToAddr3] as 'Suburb', [ShipToAddr4] as 'State', [Salesperson], [Contact] from [ArCustomer] ORDER BY [Customer] ASC"
            DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
            da = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
            da.Fill(ds, "Customer")
            grdMain.RootTable.DataKeyField = "Customer"
            DBSelect = "Select [SalesOrder] as 'Sales Order', [OrderStatus] as 'Order Status', [Customer], [Salesperson], [CustomerPoNumber] as 'PO Number', [OrderDate] as 'Order Date' from [SorMaster] where ActiveFlag <> 'N' and [OrderStatus] <> '\'"
            DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
            da = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
            da.Fill(ds, "SalesOrder")
            grdMain.RootTable.DataKeyField = "SalesOrder"
        End If

        e.DataSource = ds

    End Sub

    Protected Sub grdMain_PrepareDataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.DataSourceEventArgs)
        ' If (Not IsPostBack) Then
        ' End If
    End Sub
    Protected Sub grdMain_InitializeRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.RowEventArgs) Handles grdMain.InitializeRow
        ' If fldMode.Value <> "Customer" Then
        If grdMain.RootTable.DataKeyField = "SalesOrder" Then
            grdMain.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("Order Date").DataFormatString = "dd/MM/yyyy"
        End If

        ' End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub NewSalesOrder()

        fldMode.Value = "SalesOrder"
        Dim ds As New DataSet
        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim da As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBSelect As String

        DBSelect = "Select [SalesOrder] as 'Sales Order', [OrderStatus] as 'Order Status', [Customer], [Salesperson], [CustomerPoNumber] as 'PO Number', [OrderDate] as 'Order Date' from [SorMaster] where ActiveFlag <> 'N'"
        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        da = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        da.Fill(ds, "SalesOrder")
        grdMain.RootTable.DataKeyField = "SalesOrder"
        grdMain.Width = 650
        grdMain.DataSource = ds

    End Sub

    Private Sub NewCustomerOrder()

        Dim ds As New DataSet
        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim da As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBSelect As String

        fldMode.Value = "Customer"
        DBSelect = "Select [Customer], [Name], [CreditStatus] as 'Credit Status', [ShipToAddr3] as 'Suburb', [ShipToAddr4] as 'State', [Salesperson], [Contact] from [ArCustomer] ORDER BY [Customer] ASC"
        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        da = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        da.Fill(ds, "Customer")
        grdMain.RootTable.DataKeyField = "Customer"
        grdMain.Width = 790

        grdMain.DataSource = ds

    End Sub

    Private Sub lstLineType_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstLineType.TextChanged

        Call DisplayFields(lstLineType.SelectedValue)

    End Sub

    Private Sub btnLoadDetail_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoadDetail.Click
            Dim ThisRow As Integer
            Dim LineType As String
            ThisRow = grdStockItems.RetrieveClientLastSelectedObject().RowIndex
            LineType = Convert.ToString(grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(1).Value)

            If LineType <> "" Then
                txtLineNo.Text = Convert.ToString(grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(0).Value)
                Select Case LineType
                    Case "1"
                        lstLineType.SelectedIndex = 0
                        Call DisplayFields("Stocked Item")
                        txtStockCode.Text = grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(2).Value
                        txtStockDate.Text = grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(4).Value
                        txtPrice.Text = Convert.ToString(grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(7).Value)
                        txtUom.Text = grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(6).Value
                        txtQty.Text = Convert.ToString(grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(5).Value)
                        txtStockDesc.Text = Trim(grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(3).Value)
                        txtQty.Text = grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(5).Value
                        txtUom.Text = grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(6).Value
                        lstTaxCode.SelectedValue = grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(9).Value
                    Case "2"
                        lstLineType.SelectedIndex = 1
                        Call DisplayFields("Non Stocked Item")
                        txtStockCode.Text = grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(2).Value
                        txtStockDate.Text = grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(4).Value
                        txtPrice.Text = Convert.ToString(grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(7).Value)
                        txtUom.Text = grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(6).Value
                        txtQty.Text = Convert.ToString(grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(5).Value)
                        txtStockDesc.Text = Trim(grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(3).Value)
                        txtQty.Text = grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(5).Value
                        txtUom.Text = grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(6).Value
                        lstTaxCode.SelectedValue = grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(9).Value
                    Case "6"
                        lstLineType.SelectedIndex = 2
                        txtStockDesc.Text = grdStockItems.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(8).Value
                        Call DisplayFields("Comments")
                End Select
                mw.UserMsgBox("Please select a line to load")
            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
            Call mw.UserMsgBox("Please select a line to load")
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnNewDetail_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNewDetail.Click

        If txtSalesOrder.Text.Trim = "" Then
            mw.UserMsgBox("Please save header details first before adding detail lines")
            GoTo ENDSUB
        End If

        Call SetupOrderDetails()


    End Sub
    Sub SetupOrderDetails()

        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim DBCommand As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBPageData As New DataSet
        Dim DBSelect As String

        DBSelect = "Select [SalesOrderLine] from [SorDetail] WHERE [SalesOrder] = '" & txtSalesOrder.Text.Trim & "' Order By [SalesOrderLine] DESC"
        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        DBCommand = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        DBCommand.Fill(DBPageData, "SorDetail")
        If DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
                txtLineNo.Text = Convert.ToString(DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("SalesOrderLine") + 1)
            Catch ex As Exception
                txtLineNo.Text = "1"
            End Try
            txtLineNo.Text = "1"
        End If


        lstLineType.SelectedIndex = 0
        Call DisplayFields("Stocked Item")
        lstStockCode.SelectedIndex = -1
        txtStockCode.Text = ""
        lstTaxCode.SelectedValue = "A"
        txtStockDate.Text = txtShipDate.Text
        txtStockDesc.Text = ""
        txtPrice.Text = ""
        txtQty.Text = ""
        txtUom.Text = ""

    End Sub
    Function GetWarehouse(ByVal ThisStock As String) As String

        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim DBCommand As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBPageData As New DataSet
        Dim DBSelect As String
        Dim ThisWarehouse As String

        DBSelect = "Select [WarehouseToUse] as 'Warehouse' from [InvMaster] WHERE [StockCode] = '" & ThisStock.Trim & "'"
        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        DBCommand = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        DBCommand.Fill(DBPageData, "InvMaster")
        If DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
            ThisWarehouse = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("Warehouse")
            ThisWarehouse = ""
        End If


        Return ThisWarehouse.Trim

    End Function

    Private Sub btnProcess_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnProcess.Click

        Dim ErrorFound As Boolean = False
            Dim ThisKey As String
            Dim ThisRow As Integer

            ThisRow = grdMain.RetrieveClientLastSelectedObject().RowIndex
            ThisKey = Convert.ToString(grdMain.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(0).Value)

            If ThisKey = "" Then
                Call mw.UserMsgBox("Please select an record to process.")
                lstTaxCodeHeader.SelectedValue = "A"
                If fldMode.Value = "Customer" Then
                    txtCustomer.Text = ThisKey
                    fldCoyName.Value = Convert.ToString(grdMain.RootTable.Rows(ThisRow).Cells(1).Value)
                    Call GetCustomerDetails()
                    txtSalesOrder.Text = ThisKey
                    txtSalesOrderDetail.Text = ThisKey
                    txtSalesOrderTotal.Text = ThisKey
                    Call GetSalesDetails()

                End If
                MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 1
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            ErrorFound = True
            If fldMode.Value = "Customer" Then
                Call mw.UserMsgBox("Please select a customer to process.")
                Call mw.UserMsgBox("Please select a sales order to process.")
            End If
        End Try

    End Sub

    Private Sub lstAddress_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstAddress.SelectedIndexChanged

        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim DBCommand As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBPageData As New DataSet
        Dim DBSelect As String

        DBSelect = "Select * From [ArMultAddress] where [Customer] = '" & txtCustomer.Text & "' AND [AddrCode] = '" & lstAddress.SelectedValue & "'"
        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        DBCommand = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        DBCommand.Fill(DBPageData, "ArMultAddress")
        If DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
            txtShipAddr.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipToAddr1").ToString
            txtShipAddr.Text = txtShipAddr.Text & vbCrLf & DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipToAddr2").ToString
            txtShipAddr.Text = txtShipAddr.Text & vbCrLf & DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipToAddr3").ToString
            txtShipAddr.Text = txtShipAddr.Text & vbCrLf & DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipToAddr4").ToString
            txtShipCountry.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipToAddr5").ToString
            txtShipPC.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("ShipPostalCode").ToString
        End If


    End Sub

    Private Sub txtShipDate_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtShipDate.TextChanged

        If txtStockDate.Text = "" Then
            txtStockDate.Text = txtShipDate.Text
        End If

    End Sub

    Sub DisplayFields(ByVal DispType As String)

        Select Case DispType
            Case "Stocked Item"
                txtStockCode.Visible = True
                lblDescription.Text = "Description"
                lstStockCode.Visible = False
                lblStockCode.Visible = True
                txtStockDate.Visible = True
                lblStockDate.Visible = True
                txtUom.ReadOnly = True
                txtUom.CssClass = "textboxRO"
                txtUom.Visible = True
                lblUom.Visible = True
                lblProductClass.Visible = False
                lstProductClass.Visible = False
                txtQty.Visible = True
                lblQty.Visible = True
                imgStockDate.Visible = True
                lblPrice.Visible = True
                txtPrice.Visible = True
                lblTaxCode.Visible = True
                lstTaxCode.Visible = True
                lblWarehouse.Visible = True
                lstWarehouse.Visible = True
            Case "Non Stocked Item"
                txtStockCode.Visible = True
                lblDescription.Text = "Description"
                lstStockCode.Visible = False
                lblStockCode.Visible = True
                txtStockDate.Visible = True
                lblStockDate.Visible = True
                txtUom.Visible = True
                txtUom.ReadOnly = False
                txtUom.CssClass = "textbox"
                lblUom.Visible = True
                lblProductClass.Visible = True
                lstProductClass.Visible = True
                txtQty.Visible = True
                lblQty.Visible = True
                imgStockDate.Visible = True
                lblPrice.Visible = True
                txtPrice.Visible = True
                lblTaxCode.Visible = True
                lstTaxCode.Visible = True
                lblWarehouse.Visible = False
                lstWarehouse.Visible = False
            Case "Comments"
                txtStockCode.Visible = False
                lblDescription.Text = "Comments"
                lstStockCode.Visible = False
                lblStockCode.Visible = False
                txtStockDate.Visible = False
                lblStockDate.Visible = False
                txtUom.Visible = False
                lblUom.Visible = False
                lblProductClass.Visible = False
                lstProductClass.Visible = False
                txtQty.Visible = False
                lblQty.Visible = False
                lblPrice.Visible = False
                txtPrice.Visible = False
                imgStockDate.Visible = False
                lblTaxCode.Visible = False
                lstTaxCode.Visible = False
                lblWarehouse.Visible = False
                lstWarehouse.Visible = False
        End Select

    End Sub

    Private Sub lstStockCode_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstStockCode.TextChanged

        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim DBCommand As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBPageData As New DataSet
        Dim DBSelect As String

        DBSelect = "Select [Description], [StockUom] from [InvMaster] WHERE [StockCode] = '" & lstStockCode.SelectedValue & "'"
        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        DBCommand = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        DBCommand.Fill(DBPageData, "InvMaster")
        If DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
            txtStockDesc.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("Description")
            txtUom.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("StockUom")
            txtPrice.Text = GetContractPrice(txtCustomer.Text, lstStockCode.SelectedValue)
            txtStockDesc.Text = ""
            txtPrice.Text = ""
            txtUom.Text = ""
        End If


    End Sub

    Private Sub btnSaveDetail_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSaveDetail.Click
        lblError.Text = ""
        Call SaveSalesOrder()
        Call RebindStockGrd()

    End Sub

    Private Sub txtStockCode_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtStockCode.TextChanged

        If lstLineType.SelectedValue <> "Stocked Item" Then
            GoTo SUBEND
        End If

        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim DBCommand As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBPageData As New DataSet
        Dim DBSelect As String

        DBSelect = "Select [Description], [StockUom] from [InvMaster] WHERE [StockCode] = '" & txtStockCode.Text & "'"
        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        DBCommand = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        DBCommand.Fill(DBPageData, "InvMaster")
        If DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
            txtStockDesc.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("Description")
            txtUom.Text = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("StockUom")
            txtPrice.Text = Convert.ToString(GetContractPrice(txtCustomer.Text, txtStockCode.Text))
            txtStockDesc.Text = ""
            txtPrice.Text = ""
            txtUom.Text = ""
        End If

    End Sub
    Function GetContractPrice(ByVal ThisCustomer As String, ByVal ThisStock As String) As Decimal

        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim DBCommand As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBPageData As New DataSet
        Dim DBSelect As String
        Dim TodayFormat As String = Convert.ToString(Format(Now(), "yyyy-MM-dd"))
        DBSelect = "Select [CustListPrice] from [SorContractPrice] WHERE [StockCode] = '" & txtStockCode.Text & "' AND [ContractType] = 'C' AND [CustomerBuygrp] = '" & ThisCustomer & "' AND [StartDate] <= '" & TodayFormat & "' AND ([ExpiryDate] is NULL or [ExpiryDate] >= '" & TodayFormat & "') ORDER BY [Contract] DESC"
        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        DBCommand = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        DBCommand.Fill(DBPageData, "SorContractPrice")
        If DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
            GetContractPrice = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(0)("CustListPrice")
            GetContractPrice = 0
        End If


    End Function
    Sub CalcTotals()

        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim DBCommand As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBPageData As New DataSet
        Dim DBSelect As String
        Dim TotLines As Integer
        Dim TotMerch As Decimal = 0
        Dim TotLoan As Decimal = 0
        Dim TotRebate As Decimal = 0
        Dim TotTax As Decimal = 0
        Dim TotInvoice As Decimal = 0
        Dim LineType As String
        Dim ThisPrice As Decimal = 0
        Dim ThisQty As Decimal = 0
        Dim LineAmt As Decimal = 0
        Dim ThisTaxCode As String
        Dim Description As String

        DBSelect = "Select * from [SorDetail] WHERE [SalesOrder] = '" & txtSalesOrder.Text.Trim & "'"
        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        DBCommand = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        DBCommand.Fill(DBPageData, "SalesOrder")

        TotLines = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows.Count
        For i As Integer = 0 To DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
            Description = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("NComment")
            LineType = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("LineType")
            ThisPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MPrice")) + Convert.ToDecimal(DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("NMscChargeValue"))
            ThisQty = Convert.ToDecimal(DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MOrderQty"))
            If LineType <> "5" Then
                LineAmt = (System.Math.Round(ThisPrice * ThisQty, 2))
                LineAmt = ThisPrice
            End If

            ThisTaxCode = DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows(i)("MTaxCode")
            If LineType = "5" Then
                If InStr(Description, "LOAN") > 0 Then
                    TotLoan = TotLoan + LineAmt
                    If InStr(Description, "REBT") > 0 Then
                        TotRebate = TotRebate + LineAmt
                        TotMerch = TotMerch + LineAmt
                    End If
                End If
                TotMerch = TotMerch + LineAmt
            End If

            TotTax = TotTax + (System.Math.Round(LineAmt * GetTaxAmt(ThisTaxCode) / 100, 2))

        txtLines.Text = Convert.ToString(TotLines)
        txtTotalMerch.Text = Convert.ToString(TotMerch)
        txtTotalLoan.Text = Convert.ToString(TotLoan)
        txtTotalRebate.Text = Convert.ToString(TotRebate)
        txtInvoiceAmt.Text = Convert.ToString(TotMerch + TotLoan + TotTax)
        txtTax.Text = Convert.ToString(TotTax)

    End Sub
    Function DetailLinePresent() As Boolean

        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim DBCommand As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBPageData As New DataSet
        Dim DBSelect As String

        DBSelect = "Select * from [SorDetail] WHERE [SalesOrder] = '" & txtSalesOrder.Text.Trim & "'"
        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        DBCommand = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        DBCommand.Fill(DBPageData, "SalesOrder")

        If DBPageData.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If

    End Function
    Sub DeleteOrder()

        Dim HeaderXML As String
        Dim XMLParam As String = GetXMLParam()
        Dim ResultXML As String = ""

        HeaderXML = GetHeaderXML("D")
        Dim Util As New Syspro.Utilities.Utilities
        Dim ValidLogin As Boolean = True

        Dim Trans As New Syspro.Transaction.Transaction
        ResultXML = Trans.Post(fldUid.Value, "SORTOI", XMLParam, HeaderXML)
        If InStr(ResultXML, "System.Runtime.InteropServices") > 0 Then
            lblError.Text = "Error found - " & ResultXML
        End If

        txtParamXML.Text = XMLParam
        txtXML.Text = HeaderXML
        txtResultXML.Text = ResultXML

    End Sub
    Private Sub chHideLR_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chHideLR.CheckedChanged

        Call RebindStockGrd()

    End Sub
    Sub RebindStockGrd()

        Dim ds As New DataSet
        Dim DBConn As SqlConnection
        Dim da As SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DBSelect As String

        If chHideLR.Checked Then
            DBSelect = "Select [SalesOrderLine] as 'Line Number', [LineType] as 'Line Type', [MStockCode] as 'Stock Code', [MStockDes] as 'Description', [MLineShipDate] as 'Request Date', [MOrderQty] as 'Qty Ordered', [MOrderUom] as 'Uom', ([MPrice] + [NMscChargeValue]) as 'Price', [NComment] as 'Comment', [MTaxCode] as 'Tax Code', [MWarehouse] as 'Warehouse' from [SorDetail] where [SalesOrder] = '" & txtSalesOrder.Text & "' and [NComment] NOT LIKE '%LOAN' and [NComment] NOT LIKE '%REBT'"
            DBSelect = "Select [SalesOrderLine] as 'Line Number', [LineType] as 'Line Type', [MStockCode] as 'Stock Code', [MStockDes] as 'Description', [MLineShipDate] as 'Request Date', [MOrderQty] as 'Qty Ordered', [MOrderUom] as 'Uom', ([MPrice] + [NMscChargeValue]) as 'Price', [NComment] as 'Comment', [MTaxCode] as 'Tax Code', [MWarehouse] as 'Warehouse' from [SorDetail] where [SalesOrder] = '" & txtSalesOrder.Text & "'"
        End If

        DBConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SCL").ConnectionString)
        da = New SqlDataAdapter(DBSelect, DBConn)
        da.Fill(ds, "Stock Items")
        grdStockItems.DataSource = ds

    End Sub
End Class


Kind Regards,





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