Webgrid Issue in MOSS 2007 environment with window NLB setup

11 replies. Last post: June 24, 2010 4:02 AM by Glenn Layaar
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Gaurav DesaiMember


We are having MOSS 2007 environment with window NLB (Network Load balancing) Setup. We have developed one web part which in turn uses Intersoft webgrid. The grid is implemented to hold self-reference data (Self reference feature of grid is used here.). We are allowing user t to update the values for different grid columns. On click of submit button on the same page, we are performing in process calculation (in line memory calculations) on underlying grid data source and displaying the updated values in the grid. We are facing the following problems while achieving the above functionality.

When we click on submit button, Columns in which we entered data are getting disappear after post back.

We also have implemented the pagination on grid. Assume that grid has 5 rows and 5 columns. Where second row has data in columns 1 and 2 on first page. I am clicking on next page (page 2) and filling the data in 3 column of the 2 row. In that case I m getting the values for column 1 and 2 of previous page (page1).

Guys, it’s very critical issue as due to this our final delivery to client is delayed. We need your kind support to get it resolved ASAP.

The deployment Environment details are as follows.

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2008 (64 Bit)

Application: MOSS 2007 web part.

Deploy on: MOSS 2007 Website.

Few Questions regarding deployment:

As you guys know that Intersoft WebGrid is using http handler to manage resources for grid. I want to know what are the different files required for it and what should be the location to place them if I am deploying it in SharePoint environment. Here I am not doing any customization in any theme and css for grid. I am using default setting only.

Can you guys provide deployment steps for grid in SharePoint website?

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