Webgrid 7 R2 headerStyle property problem => caption is erased

5 replies. Last post: January 5, 2010 10:50 PM by Andi Santoso
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I have a small issue with headerStyle property. If I set it like this :

<cc4:WebGridColumn Caption="test" DataMember="Nb" Name="Nb" Width="3%">
	<HeaderStyle Height="200px" CustomRules="writing-mode:tb-rl;"  />

the caption "test" doesn't appear.

I tried to set it server side :

void webgrid_InitializeColumn(object sender, ColumnEventArgs e)
            if (e.Column.Name == "Nb")
                //WebGridFormatStyle headerStyle = new WebGridFormatStyle();
                //headerStyle.Height = Unit.Pixel(100);
                //headerStyle.CustomRules = "writing-mode:tb-rl;";
                e.Column.Caption = Resources.Resources.grdNb;

but it doesn't work at all.

Do you know how to set height, writing mode and have the caption correctly displayed?

I thank you in advance,



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