WebInput - Assigning CultureInfo to control does not return (or store) correct value

21 replies. Last post: June 19, 2012 1:03 AM by Yudi
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Frank PMember

I have attached a modified example of this problem.

I have also attached a "before" and "after" screen shot of what is returned in my tests.

The line

        TextBoxC.Text = WebInput3.Value.ToString();

returns an error because WebInput3.Value is null after the button is clicked.

There are several problems with this behavior.

1- The display "AfterEdit" is not correct. There are too many places after the decimal separator in each control.

2 - The value of WebInput3.Value is null after the button is clicked. It should be "1.4".

3 - When the page is refreshed and the focus is set to TextBox1, the value displayed/highlighted is "1.2". It should be "1,2".

4 - After entry, moving the cursor to TextBox2, the value displayed/highlighted is "1.3". It shouldb be "1,3". (Probably same issue as above).

5 - Please verify this is a problem in WebGrid, too.

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