WebGrid with 2 Checkboxes

3 replies. Last post: November 15, 2012 9:02 PM by Handy Surya
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Michael LacyMember

I have a WebGrid which has two checkbox columns ( so I can't use the DataRowChecker as that is to select a row and only works with one checkbox).  I did the obvious, created 2 columns with ColumnType CheckBox and bound them to my datasource (booleans for each column).  The problem is that when I do a postback (after selecting some of the checkboxes and hitting the Save button), the RootTable is empty (no rows) in the PageLoad event.   Why is the state of the RootTable not posting to the server?!!   In this case, how I am supposed to handle a Save event when there is no way to know what was checked by the user.  Please do not tell me to use IsRowChecker, that is not a solution when you have more than one checkbox.

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