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I have built a web project with the WebGrid. In Development, everything looks fine and works fine, but when I deploy it, about half the computers tested on looked fine and work fine, but on the others, the header and detail looked fine (14 rows of detail), but the rest of the grid stretches to the point where a scroll bar appears and when you scroll down to the footer, it pops back up. Also, on these computers with this issue, data cannot be entered in the first row of the grid but all other rows are fine.
All computers are Windows 7 64-bit and use Internet Explorer 9 (all updated to latest). I've considered setting it up to be IE8 compatible, but that skews the headers significantly.
Is there some setting in WebGrid that needs to be changed so that these computers don't get this "stretch" effect and are able to use the first row of the grid?
The project has been deployed at the customer site but cannot go live with this issue present. Any help would be appreciated!
...the header and detail looked fine (14 rows of detail)...
I tried to reproduce the reported problem based on the given information in your initial message by creating a page of load on demand preview row WebGrid but my efforts were not successful.
I’m willing to advice you further but in order to do so I would need to elaborate on your specific scenario and possibly give us the following information that I can use to observe the problematic behavior.
Look forward to hearing back from you.
Hello and thank you for your prompt response. I played around with some of the WebGrid's properties and fixed the issue. I'm not sure which one did it, but it is fixed. Unfortunately, I am now having another issue.
This project was very difficult to build because of the nature of the table used for the Datasource. The columns are different depending on the user. One user may have 5 columns, while the next could have 7 or 9 (increments in 2). This is dependent on the number of positions they have within the company, so I couldn't simply create columns in the grid and create the datasource straight from the source. What I did was create a Webservice that compiles the information and returns a dataset with a table called "GRID". Here is the code I use to set the datasource:
Protected Sub WebGrid1_InitializeDataSource(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.DataSourceEventArgs) Handles WebGrid1.InitializeDataSource Dim SH As New WebServ.Service Dim DS As Data.DataSet = SH.ReturnTimecardInfo(Session("UserName"), Session("Password")) Dim AddTot As Data.DataColumn = New Data.DataColumn("TOTAL") AddTot.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Double")DS.Tables("GRID").Columns.Add(AddTot) Dim RCount As Integer = 0 Dim RFind As Data.DataRow Dim Fin As Boolean = False Do Until RCount = DS.Tables("GRID").Rows.Count RFind = DS.Tables("GRID").Rows(RCount) If RFind.Item("Finalized") = "TRUE" Then Then Fin = True End If RCount += 1 Loop If Fin = True Then Then Label17.Text = "STATUS: SENT TO SUPERVISOR" WebGrid1.Enabled = False Button1.Visible = False Else : Label17.Text = "STATUS: OPEN" WebGrid1.Enabled = True Button1.Visible = True End If e.DataSource = DS End Sub
That works just fine, the data displays in the grid. I then set up the first two columns as well as the last column to NoEdit and populate a dropdown for each second column between the first two and the last columns. Here is the code:
Protected Sub WebGrid1_PrepareDataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.DataSourceEventArgs) Handles WebGrid1.PrepareDataBinding If (Not IsPostBack) Then WebGrid1.RetrieveStructure() WebGrid1.RootTable.DataKeyField = "WORKDATE" WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns(0).EditType = ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.EditType.NoEdit WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns(0).Caption = "Date" WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns(1).EditType = ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.EditType.NoEdit WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns(1).Caption = "Day" Dim ColCount As Integer = 2 Do Until ColCount = WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns.Count - 2 Dim EARNDED As String = WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns(ColCount).Name Dim GetED() As Data.DataRow = DS.Tables("EARNDED").Select("EARNDED = '" & EARNDED & "'") If GetED.GetLength(0) <> 0 Then Dim SH As New WebServ.Service Dim DT As Data.DataTable = SH.GetManagers(Session("UserName"), Session("Password"), EARNDED) WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns(ColCount).Caption = EARNDED & vbCrLf & GetED(0).Item("EARNDEDNAME") WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns(ColCount + 1).Caption = "SUPERVISOR" WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns(ColCount).AggregateFunction = AggregateFunctions.Sum WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns(ColCount + 1).EditType = EditType.DropdownList Dim vl As WebValueList = WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns(ColCount + 1).ValueList vl.DataSource = DT vl.DataTextField = "ManagerName" vl.DataValueField = "ManagerName" End If ColCount += 1 Loop WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("TOTAL").EditType = ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.EditType.NoEdit WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("TOTAL").Caption = "TOTAL" WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("TOTAL").AggregateFunction = AggregateFunctions.Custom WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("Finalized").Visible = False End If End Sub
This also works just fine on initial loading of the page. When the user fills in row information and leaves the row, the grid sends that row's information back to the Webservice, which updates the database:
Protected Sub WebGrid1_UpdateRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.RowEventArgs) Handles WebGrid1.UpdateRowe.ReturnValue = True Dim HeaderString As String = "" Dim DetailString As String = "" Dim ColCount As Integer = 2 Do Until ColCount = WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns.Count - 2 If HeaderString = "" Then HeaderString = e.Row.Cells(ColCount).Column.Name Else : HeaderString &= "~~" & e.Row.Cells(ColCount).Column.Name End If If Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(e.Row.Cells(ColCount).Column.Name, 2) = "CC" Then If DetailString = "" Then DetailString = CStr(e.Row.Cells(ColCount).Text) Else : DetailString &= "~~" & CStr(e.Row.Cells(ColCount).Text) End If ElseIf DetailString = "" Then DetailString = CStr(e.Row.Cells(ColCount).Text) Else : DetailString &= "~~" & CStr(e.Row.Cells(ColCount).Text) End If ColCount += 1 Loop Dim SH As New WebServ.Service Dim SHYN As Boolean = SH.UpdateTimecardInfo(Label11.Text, Label12.Text, Label10.Text, e.Row.Cells(0).Text, HeaderString, DetailString) e.ReturnValue = True End Sub
This also works, but, after the update, if there is a horizontal scrollbar in the grid, the last column becomes editable and sometimes (not always), the column values and dropdowns shift over one column and the last column becomes the dropdown from the column before it. Oddly enough, the issue is resolved when the user scrolls back to the beginning of the grid.
Here is my code for OnAfterUpdate:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function WebGrid1_OnAfterUpdate(controlId, tblName, rowObject, xmlResponseObject) { var WebGrid1 = ISGetObject(controlId); var selRow = WebGrid1.GetSelectedObject().GetRowElement(); var selObj = webgrid1.getselectedobject(); selRow.AddPendingChanges; selRow.AcceptChanges; return true; } --> </script>
Any idea as to what the problem could be? If necessary, I can send you the URL for the test website with proper credentials and you can give it a try.
Thank you,
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