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I just used the SelectColumns | Reset from the columns context menu and it caused the runtime error: 'parentElement' is null or not an object.
The specific javascript code is: var vb6c39=v82c92.parentElement;
When I broke into the code, it showed the object v82c92 is null. What now? We need this to work ASAP please as it happens on all our grids.
I tested on my sample but could not replicate your issue. May i know your WebGrid settings?
Are there any particular settings you're looking for? There are many setting and am not sure which ones to provide. Why would the settings cause an internal javascript error like this? In the future, please be as detailed as possible with what you need since it takes you a long time to respond to us in the US due to the time difference.
I've provided our default skin file setting for the grid below. I'm not sure if that will help but it's a start I guess.
<PRISM:PrismGridView runat="server" Height="100%" Width="100%" PadRows="0"> <LayoutSettings AllowAddNew="No" AllowColumnFreezing="No" AllowColumnMove="Yes" AllowColumnSizing="Yes" AllowContextMenu="true" AllowDelete="No" StatusBarVisible="true" AllowEdit="No" AllowSelectColumns="Yes" AllowSorting="No" AllowExport="Yes" PagingSize="10" PagingMode="VirtualLoad" VirtualLoadMode="LargeData" VirtualPageSize="100" Hierarchical="false" AutoFitColumns="true" GridLines="Vertical" PersistRowChecker="true" RowHeaders="No" AutoHeight="false" AutoWidth="false" RowHeightDefault="-1px" AlternatingColors="true" UseRelativePositioning="true" GridLineColor="236, 233, 216" AlwaysShowHelpButton="false" ColumnFooterAggregateMode="CalculateAllData" > <CheckedRowStyle CssClass="GridSelectedRow"></CheckedRowStyle> <FrameStyle BackColor="White" BorderColor="DarkGray" BorderStyle="none" BorderWidth="0px"> </FrameStyle> <GroupByBox> <Style CssClass="GridGroupByBox"></Style> <LabelStyle CssClass="GridGroupByBoxLabel"/> </GroupByBox> <GroupRowInfoStyle BackColor="#F1EFE2" BorderColor="White" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" CustomRules="border-bottom-color: Silver; border-right-color: Silver" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" font-bold="True" forecolor="#676896"> <BorderSettings> <Bottom Color="144, 145, 182" Width="2px" /> <Right Color="Silver" /> </BorderSettings> </GroupRowInfoStyle> <AlternatingRowStyle CssClass="GridAlternatingRow" Wrap="true"/> <FocusCellStyle BorderColor="DimGray" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" /> <RowStyle CssClass="GridRow" Wrap="true" /> <SelectedRowStyle CssClass="GridSelectedRow"/> <HeaderStyle CssClass="GridHeader"> <Padding Bottom="4px" Left="2px" Right="2px" Top="4px" /> <BorderSettings> <Bottom Color="183, 184, 211" Width="1px" /> </BorderSettings> </HeaderStyle> <FooterStyle CssClass="GridFooter" /> <StatusBarStyle CssClass="GridStatusBar"> </StatusBarStyle> </LayoutSettings> <CustomEditors> <ISWebGrid:WebGridCustomEditor ControlType="DHTMLClientControl" JavascriptFiles="Calculator.js" Name="Calculator" Persistence="DesignerLevel" ScriptFolder="EditorsPack1"> <Behavior DropdownButtonImageFile="CalcDD.gif" HasDropdownButton="True" /> </ISWebGrid:WebGridCustomEditor> <ISWebGrid:WebGridCustomEditor ControlType="DHTMLClientControl" JavascriptFiles="NumericUpDown.js" Name="NumericUpDown" Persistence="DesignerLevel" ScriptFolder="EditorsPack1"> <Behavior HasDropdownButton="True" /> </ISWebGrid:WebGridCustomEditor> <ISWebGrid:WebGridCustomEditor JavascriptFiles="RichTextBox.js" Name="RichTextBox" Persistence="DesignerLevel" ScriptFolder="EditorsPack1" ServerControlFullName="Telerik.WebControls.RadEditor"> <Behavior BaseEditorType="Custom" DropdownButtonType="Custom" HasDropdownButton="True" /> </ISWebGrid:WebGridCustomEditor> <ISWebGrid:WebGridCustomEditor JavascriptFiles="WebInputNET.js" Name="WebInputNET" Persistence="DesignerLevel" ScriptFolder="WebInput" ServerControlFullName="ISNet.WebUI.WebControls.WebInput"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridCustomEditor> <ISWebGrid:WebGridCustomEditor ControlType="DHTMLClientControl" JavascriptFiles="SlideBar.js" Name="Slidebar" Persistence="DesignerLevel" ScriptFolder="EditorsPack2"> <Behavior DropdownButtonImageFile="SliderDD.gif" HasDropdownButton="True" /> </ISWebGrid:WebGridCustomEditor> <ISWebGrid:WebGridCustomEditor ControlType="DHTMLClientControl" JavascriptFiles="HtmlEditor.js" Name="HtmlEditor" Persistence="DesignerLevel" ScriptFolder="EditorsPack2"> <Behavior BaseEditorType="Custom" /> </ISWebGrid:WebGridCustomEditor> </CustomEditors> </PRISM:PrismGridView>
Note that everything else works fine, i.e., sorting, grouping, selecting/deselecting columns and applying changes.
We do a lot of our own customization so there's a lot of server-side code and data binding that we do ourselves, but I don't see how this would impact the client-side code. Let me know if you need anything specific please. Thanks.
I also tested with your WebGrid layout settings but saw no issue. In fact, i don't have any your style and some of your custom editor columns. So, could you do a little favor for me? Please try to use normal column or simple sample WebGrid and try to use SelectColumn/reset on that page. Please let me know if the issue also happen in our WebGrid sample or not.
I did create a sample page with a grid on it and had no issues with the reset. I did however notice a new problem with the grid and that's the columns alignment was off. You should be able to duplicate it by loading the grid and then hitting the "Refersh grid data" button or any column action like sorting, best fit, etc..
I've attached the sample project plus the two images of the column alignment issue.
The column misalignment seems to occur only in IE 7 XHTML mode. The upcoming WebGrid 7 2009 R2 will address this issue and fully supports pixel-perfect rendering in IE 7 XHTML, IE 8 XHTML, Firefox and Safari XHTML.
Per your reply, it also appears that the Reset issue wasn't an issue and thus the issue will be considered resolved. Thannk you.
...Per your reply, it also appears that the Reset issue wasn't an issue and thus the issue will be considered resolved. Thannk you.
I said I didn't run into the issue with the BASIC sample I provided. How does that resolve the issue in our custom grid? We don't do anything with your embedded JavaScript that's causing this error.
Could you send over a sample replicating the Reset issue?
Thank you.
I'd love to if I could. You wouldn't have to ask as I would have already done so. But I really can't since the grid control is modified by us, i.e., customized and works within our environment. But like I said, we've only modified the server-side code that creates the columns and formats them, so I don't know why that would impact your embedded JavaScript.
Here's basically what we override (keep in mind that this all worked fine with WebGrid 6 and only a problem after we upgraded to v7):
That's pretty much it.
I have a flash video that shows this issue but I don't want to post it publicly. Is there a private way to provide you with files?
I updated the flash recording so I can make it public. Attached is the recording with no audio. But here's an explanation for what happens that you should be able to follow.
I can replicate an issue when reset columns with some non-visible columns. Maybe the error seems a little different with yours but i will forward this to our developer teams. Thank you for video.
Hello Handy,
I'm not sure what you mean by "a little different with yours" other than you can replicate it but at a different place in the JavaScript code?
Any how, we really need this fixed because we need to use the Reset to also reset our grid back to its default settings. The reason we need to use the Reset is because, at the moment, we can't customize this context menu.
How soon will you have the feature to allow customization of the column context menu? We can really use this. Thank you.
We have similar misalignment issue with IE7 in XHTML mode and the R2 didn't correct it. It looks like the issue is appearing when we set the width in pixel ...
Hello,We have similar misalignment issue with IE7 in XHTML mode and the R2 didn't correct it. It looks like the issue is appearing when we set the width in pixel ...
Sometimes the alignment issues can be corrected by making sure the DOCTYPE is exactly as follows at the top of your pages and/or master page:
This info was directly from InterSoft and it did help in our situation under certain conditions.
Hi Patrick,
Could you please send me a sample which replicates your issue? Also, if you don't mind, please create a new thread regarding this issue. I will need your sample to investigate the issue because R2 supports XHTML.
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