WebGrid 7 - Selecting Sort From Column Context Menu Crashes

5 replies. Last post: March 19, 2010 12:21 AM by Andi Santoso
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A YousifMember

The grid sorts just fine when we click on the column header.  However, when we select sort from the column context menu, it causes a javascript crash.

I found the problem.  The columnObject passed to the OnColumnSort client-side handler is different when sorting from the menu than directly from the column header.

Sorting on column header produces:

  columnObject.Name         "assignedToLastFirstName"
  columnObject.ColumnMember "assignedToLastFirstName"
  columnObject.SortOrder    "Descending"

Where sorting from the context menu does not populate ColumnMember:

  columnObject.Name	 "assignedToLastFirstName"
  columnObject.ColumnMember	 undefined
  columnObject.SortOrder	 "Ascending"

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