Self Referencing grid expand and collapse [IS-37845BE3-17B5-4456-9862-A2A299B61B4B]

3 replies. Last post: November 26, 2009 5:05 AM by Glenn Layaar
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Madhavan GMember

Hi all,

This is regarding the incident IS-37845BE3-17B5-4456-9862-A2A299B61B4B which is posted long back in july which was handled by Glenn.

This is to continuation of the issue which I posted.

Our clients are coming back saying it is expanding all the self reference rows even though we are having logic of retaining only the expanded row.


Based on your sample I replicated the issue.


Please find the steps to reproduce.


1.Open the page.

2.Expand the node main

3.Expand the node Parent 3 and Select the node child 3-1.

4.Click on Refresh

5.Now you will see all the rows before Parent 3 also got expanded(Parent 1 and Parent 2).


Please See the screenshots.


Note:If I select only the Parent nodes and clicking on refresh no problem,but if I select child nodes inside parent and clicking on refresh causes the issue.


Our exact scenario is expanding the parent and selecting the child node,


Please advice.





Subject: Re: Self Referencing grid expand and collapse [IS-37845BE3-17B5-4456-9862-A2A299B61B4B]



Based on the snippet and description of the issue, we have created a simple sample of your issue. We could not replicate the issue in our environment. Attached is the simple sample we created to replicate the issue in our environment.

In the AfterResponse and BeforeRequest client handler we commented some code that handle the RHS grid and the code to expand the first row of the LHS grid during AfterResponse event handler.

Feel free to modify the code to replicate the issue.


Glenn Layaar


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