Search WebGrid in a certain parent control

2 replies. Last post: March 31, 2010 4:09 AM by Herman Cordes
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To avoid double pieces of code, I've separated two WebGrids into one user control. In the main aspx page I interact with the WebGrids by using javascript. First I need a reference to the webgrid by using ISGetObject.

However, since they are merged together in one usercontrol, they will always have the same ID in the usercontrol. In what way is it possible to reference the webgrid by using ISGetObject from a parent control (like the id of the usercontrol)?

Such like: ISGetObject("UserControlID.WebGridID")... is it possible?



P.S. I don't seem to be able to find a description page of ISGetObject on the support pages, it should be listed at the client side reference right? Anyone got a link?

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