Only Getting First Row On Client Side Of Self Referencing Grid

9 replies. Last post: June 23, 2010 12:59 AM by Handy Surya
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A YousifMember

We just started using self referencing grids and are running into the following issue.  The code below only returns one valid row, the first one.  After that all GetRow() calls return null.  We are in a bind as we need the rows collection so any assistance to resolve this quickly is much appreciated.

Client side JavaScript to retrieve the rows (works fine with normal grids):

// TotalLoadedRows is correct
var iRows = oGrid.TotalLoadedRows; var arRows = null; for (var i=0; i < iRows; i++) {
// this line returns a valid object only when i is 0,
// after that, returns null for remaining calls
var oRow = oGrid.RootTable.GetRow(i); if (oRow == null) { continue; } if (i == 0) { arRows = new Array(); }

arRows.push(oRow); }
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