IE6 support for WebGrid, WebCombo and WebInput with IE6 and XHTLM

2 replies. Last post: February 8, 2010 5:28 AM by Julia Wijaya
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We are trying to implement a set of company-wide controls using the Intersoft suite (WebGrid, WebCombo, WebInput and WebDesktop - webDesktop is being used right now just for the popup).

Throughout the application we are using the XHTML DOCTYPE

Everything is working fine on IE7 and IE8, but it is crashing on the machines with IE6. What's more worrying, even some of the samples (e.g. the Intersoft LiveDemo samples for WebCombo) are crashing on IE6.

Would you be able to tell me whether:

a.WebGrid, WebInput and WebCombo all work on IE 6?

b.You support XHTML doctype on IE6?

This is a very important question for us. Most of our clients are large companies in the insurance/banking industry, and they are using proven technology that they are unwilling to change.


Thank you,

Mitch Constantinescu

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