WebGrid Theme Issue

4 replies. Last post: November 11, 2009 9:29 PM by Glenn Layaar
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Please check the attached project and the screenshots. I'm using the theme to change the they way the WebGrid appears.

1) The problem i'm facing In the header row If i set the border top it shows the border to the bottom as as well. No matter what you do It always shows the border to the top as well as bottom in the header row. 
The following code  from the Skin file is not considered:

<HeaderStyle Font-Bold="true" BackColor="#DBDBDB" ForeColor="#666666" HorizontalAlign="Center" Font-Size="10px" Font-Names="Verdana,Tahoma"> <BorderSettings> <Top Color="#CC0000" Width="1px" Style="solid" /> <Bottom Color="Transparent" Width="0px" Style="none" /> <Right Color="#DBDBDB" Width="1px" Style="solid" /> <Left Color="Transparent" Width="0px" Style="none" /> </BorderSettings> </HeaderStyle> <RowHeaderStyle BackColor="#DBDBDB" ForeColor="#666666" HorizontalAlign="Center" Font-Size="10px" Font-Names="Verdana,Tahoma"> </RowHeaderStyle>


2) The freeze pane settings when applied shows a weird border on the last forzen columns check the jpg. How do I style them differently??

Prompt reply will be appreciated!!


Shahjahan Ansari

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