How to Link WebCombo MutipleColumns Value to another Regular WebColumn

11 replies. Last post: March 9, 2010 4:11 PM by Douglas Badin
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I have a WebGridColumn with EditType="WebComboNet" with a DataMember="PART_NUM".  The WebCombo has EntryMode="AutoComplete" and ComboMode="MutipleColumns" of PART_NUM and PART_DESCRIPTION. 

Is it possible to easily get the PART_DESCRIPTION when an Item is Selected in the WebCombo and populate another WebGridColumn?

When I implemented this without a WebGrid, it became very complicated to do this primarily because of timing issues caused by loading over 10,000 items into the WebCombo, albeit only 100 or less at a time.  If the User types in the WebCombo rather than selecting from the Drop Down, the User can Tab off the WebCombo before it is finished loading.  I am hoping things are easier with a WebGrid.


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