Export Events

1 reply. Last post: October 22, 2009 11:14 PM by Yudi
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John BoninMember

Here we go again...

I am using the Visual Basic sample ProgrammaticExportServerSide.  I added an WebGrid1_Export event and using the following code, changed the Column caption from "Address" to "My Address".

With e.Table.Columns
       .GetNamedItem("Address").Caption = "My Address"
End With

The reason,  I want to change the header text in the generated output only and want it to be "Address" after the export is complete.  So I added a WebGrid1.ExportCompleted event and reveresed the code:

With WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns
       .GetNamedItem("Address").Caption = "Address"
End With
I set breakpoints on each event and ran the program.  The ExportCompleted Event never runs.  When is this event suppose to execute?  And is there a way I can change column headers in the export only without having to go through the above mess?
Also I am Exporting to a TEXT file.
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