Error on Grid with Ajax Extender in CellTemplate

1 reply. Last post: January 22, 2010 4:07 AM by Andi Santoso
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This issue actually follows up on another issue that i reported on this thread. What I'm trying to do is add a hyperlink and an ajax modal extender (or any other extender for that matter) within a cell template. First page renders just fine, but when going to some other page in the grid I get:

Extender control 'owhCompanyName_Child_ModalPopupExtender' is not a registered extender control. Extender controls must be registered using RegisterExtenderControl() before calling RegisterScriptDescriptors().
Parameter name: extenderControl

If we follow up on the solution given on this other thread... I can replicate this by modifying the celltemplate to look like this:

public class cellTemplate : ITemplate
        Label labelTemplate;
        public void InstantiateIn(Control container)
            HyperLink hyperlink = new HyperLink() { ID = "hyperlink" };
            LinkButton linkButton = new LinkButton() { ID = "LinkButton", Visible = false };
            Panel popup = new Panel() { ID = "Panel", CssClass="modalPopup" };
            HtmlGenericControl iframe = new HtmlGenericControl() { TagName = "iframe"};
            popup.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display] = "none";
            iframe.Attributes["src"] = "about:blank";
            // To fix when definitive CSS is done
            ModalPopupExtender extender = new ModalPopupExtender() { ID = "ModalPopupExtender", BackgroundCssClass="modalPopupBackground" };
            extender.TargetControlID = linkButton.ID;
            extender.PopupControlID = popup.ID;
            iframe.ID = iframe.Parent.ID + "IFrame";
            hyperlink.NavigateUrl = "";
            hyperlink.Text = "Text";
            linkButton.Text = "Text";


And moving the celltemplate insertion to OnInitializeLayout:

        WebGridColumn newColumn = new ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.WebGridColumn();
        newColumn.ColumnType = ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.ColumnType.Template;
        newColumn.CellTemplate = new cellTemplate();
        newColumn.Width = 300;
        newColumn.Caption = "Templated Column";


And the aspx will need a Script Manager. Then load the grid, go to any other page and the error will show up in the status bar.


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