Cannot figure out when OnLostFocus will be called

1 reply. Last post: December 1, 2009 11:25 PM by Andi Santoso
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We want to make sure the user will not leave the grid without the data being saved.

We tried to use the OnLostFocus assuming it will be executed when the user leaves the grid.

But but this event is never executed.

What can prevent this event from being called?

 Our application uses Webgrid 7.0.

The aspx page client side events is as follow:


<ClientSideEvents OnLostFocus="saveMyGridDataBeforeLeave" OnAfterUpdate="lookForAction" OnAfterResponseProcess="VerifyReUpdate" OnChildRowCollapse="doRowCollapse" OnChildRowExpand="doRowExpand" OnColumnResize="dgMEL_OnColumnResize" OnRowValidate="ValidateAnswers" ></ClientSideEvents>
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