WebDesktopWindow - Set URL and Refresh

1 reply. Last post: November 23, 2009 11:32 PM by Andi Santoso
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Alex HMember

I am having trouble with the very simple task of refreshing a window from another window.  My javascript function is

        function refreshIfExists(winName, winURL)
            var dm = ISGetObject("WebDesktopManager1");
            var wnd = dm.GetWindow(winName);
            if (wnd != null)
                wnd.ContentMode = "UseIFrame";
                wnd.ContentURL = winURL;


The above function is plaed on the page of my WebDesktopManager... and is called by winodws useing parent.refreshIfExists('wndName', 'url');

I can get the WebDesktopWindow and manipulate it with Maximize() and Close() methods, but I am unable to refresh the Window despite trying many different commands.


Please advise.  Thank you!

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