ISWebDesktop:WebMenuBar's Item is Nesting

3 replies. Last post: November 16, 2011 1:14 AM by Hendrik Yulianto
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yoonho choiMember

I tested Intersoft WebUI Studio 2011 R1.
I made such code.

    <div id="MainMenu">
        <ISWebDesktop:WebMenuBar ID="WebMenuBar1" runat="server" IntegratedTo="None">
            <CommandClientSideEvents OnClick="WebMenuBar1_OnClick" />
    <div id="MainContent">
        <ISWebDesktop:WebDesktopManager ID="WebDesktopManager1" runat="server" Height="85%" Width="100%">

And this WebMenuBar's item is nesting.

View attached file, WebMenuBarError.jpg.


Up is Chrome(15.0.874.120m), and it works fine.

But down is IE8(8.0.6001.19154) and it works bad.


I use Windows2008 Sp2 32bit, Visual Studio 2010 SP1, and .NET Framework 4.0 SP1.

What is problem?


Best regards,
Yoonho Choi

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