Speed issue with Intersoft MultiSelection Webcombo

8 replies. Last post: December 6, 2009 9:01 PM by Handy Surya
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I am using intersoft multi selection webcombo in one of my application. I need to bind Approx. 200000 records with webcombo and to do this my page will be hang up.

Webcombo version : 4.0.7200.211

Technologies : .Net 2005 (vb)


Below is the code that I used to bind webcombo.


ASPX  :  


<iswebcombo:WebCombo ID="wcJob" runat="server" Width="150px" DataTextField="ShowId" TabIndex="8"

DataValueField="idSurvey" EnableViewState="false" LayoutSettings-TextBoxMode="Editable">

<FlyPostBackSettings PostViewState="False" PostHiddenFields="False" />



Code File:


Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

wcJob.MultipleSelectionSettings.SeparatorChar = ";"

wcJob.MultipleSelectionSettings.Enabled = True

wcJob.MultipleSelectionSettings.AllowBrowseAll = False

wcJob.MultipleSelectionSettings.AutoPositionResultBox = False

End Sub


Protected Sub wcJob_InitializeDataSource(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ISNet.WebUI.WebCombo.DataSourceEventArgs) Handles wcJob.InitializeDataSource

        Dim objJob As New clsSurveys()

        Dim dt As DataTable = objJob.GetJobNumberByIdSite(" idSite = " + getIdSite.ToString()) ‘Return 200000 records.


        wcJob.PopulateUnboundData(dt, True) ‘Code is hang up here.

        objJob = Nothing

End Sub


Please help me out where I am wrong . What can I do to stop, hang up my page.

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