Formating with Fieldset

7 replies. Last post: April 21, 2010 1:20 PM by Yudi
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I create the layout with div tags. I use a fieldset for horizontal alignment. With WebCombo I have problems (please have a look on Position Combo.png). Instead WebCombo is placed on right side,  it is showing below the label. WebInput and asp-Controls works fine. How can I fix it?
I have tested it with Internet Explorer 8.

    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <fieldset class="fieldset">
            <ol class="ol">
                <li class="li">
                    <asp:Label runat="server" CssClass="label-titel" ID="Label12">Label 1:</asp:Label>
                    <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="TextBox2" Width="100px" />
                <li class="li">
                    <asp:Label runat="server" CssClass="label-titel" ID="Label13">Label 2:</asp:Label>
                    <asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="DropDownList1" Width="100px" />
                <li class="li">
                    <asp:Label runat="server" CssClass="label-titel" ID="Label10">Label 3:</asp:Label>
                    <ISWebInput:WebInput ID="WebInput1" runat="server"  Width="100px" />
                <li class="li">
                    <asp:Label runat="server" CssClass="label-titel" ID="Label9">Label 4:</asp:Label>
                    <ISWebCombo:WebCombo ID="WebCombo2" runat="server" UseDefaultStyle="true" Width="100px" />
                <li class="li">
                    <asp:Label runat="server" CssClass="label-titel" ID="Label11">Label 5:</asp:Label>
                    <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="TextBox1"  Width="100px" TextMode="MultiLine"  Height="50px" />

 For complete code and stylesheet:




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