Binding collections of URIs

3 replies. Last post: March 8, 2010 9:43 AM by Brad McBride
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Brad McBrideMember

I have just downloaded and installed the WebAqua controls and so far have been very impressed by the features and functionality of the tool. However, I am not finding a good source of information on binding to collections. The project that I am working on needs to display a list of images from a web site and the image list changes dynamically based on a category picked by the user. I have working code that pulls a list of image URIs from a web service based on the category that the user has selected. I put each item into an observable collection and bind the itemssource of the coverflow control to the collection. However, I'm not seeing any images displayed. It's obvious that I'm missing a configuration item or a step but I'm not seeing any documentation that can guide me to the correct procedure to use to bind the control to a list of URIs. What I am trying to do is listed below. The cardData class is a class that contains properties about the images. The URI is one of those properties.

Dim imgInfo As ObservableCollection(Of cardData) = New ObservableCollection(Of cardData)

For Each listItem In <<results from the web service>>
    Dim card As New cardData
    Dim strPicPath as string = "http://<<servername>>" & <<web service image path>>                
    card.cardCat = imgCategory
    card.cardURI = New Uri(strPicPath, UriKind.Absolute)
' add images to the coverflow control
cardCoverFlow.ItemsSource = imgInfo
cardCoverFlow.BindingImageSourceField = "cardURI" 



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