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Tim Anderson Member


I seem to have gotten arround this one. I needed to register SmartWebResources, this pulled in a bunch of assemblies, including several, that by name you would not think i would need, but who am i to argue withg the results so far, it started working.


At this point the project is not giving me errors on the server-side (I have already caught and correct a couple) any thoughts on what might be causing the javascript to error out. I really did not want to have to scratch the whole page and start fresh.

Posted: May 18, 2010 10:39 AM

You can reach me at:

Posted: May 18, 2010 9:19 AM


We may be making some progress, i installed WebUI Studio 2009 R2 SP1 in order to get ISReg64. I ran it. now all the control show up, but it says i have a trial license, the license manager still shows the grid license as valid. I removed and readded the grid contorl license, still says "trial"


any thoughts?





Posted: May 17, 2010 7:27 PM

I removed the license key for WebGrid, and then readded it by copy and paste from the developer web site, making sure there were no leading or trailing spaces. i then rebooted and tried running the web application again. I got the same error.


i then verified the version number in the bin directory of the project: 6.0.7200.113. I cen send you a screen shot of the license keys to a support email address if necessary.

Posted: May 17, 2010 6:17 PM

I am on 64 bit Vista. I will check the license key

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