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Pierre Belanger Member
of 3


The height of the row on the first screenshot is higher than the height of the row on the second screenshot,

Yes the height on the first screenshot is higher because some colums have more data which require more lines to display.

If you look on the video slowly, you will see than when the field titled ME Activity is moved to the left and is no longer visble, the grid then shinks.

The remaining fields have only one line.

The grid shinks to display more lines because there is more lines to display.

That makes the line I had selected  no longer visible. It scrolls up! To view the line, THEN I have to scroll up because the line is not visible anymore.

So it is when I am tabbing to the right than the grid moves up.

I have to move up after because my data is no longer visible.



As requested I have enclosed a video showing how I loose focus on the row I am editing.

I have also included the aspx page.

Hope this will help.

Posted: November 27, 2009 11:15 AM

The client binding samples are very basic compared to the code I have to upgrade.

Also all our application data bindings are done at runtime.

The grid is also built programmatically (layout, columns, etc...)

What I would need to see is an example of a non-basic application with the above specifications.

Upgrading from WebGrid 4 to 7 is not seamless as described in your WebGrid 7.0 White pager...

Do you have a document that would help determine what need to be upgraded?

Hi Yudi,

The example you provided is for a column which is created at compiled time.

In my case, the column is created at runtime.

In your example, there is a ValueList attribute in the GridColumn.

<ValueList DataMember="Employees" DataTextField="LastName" DataValueField="EmployeeID"> </ValueList>

It is not present in the code generated at runtime (see below).

How can I genererate the ValueList attibute when creating the grid column?

  <WebGridColumn Name="MEOwner" DataMember="MEOwner" Caption="ME Owner"
                EditType="DropdownList" ColumnType="Custom"
                ShowInSelectColumns="No" Position="9" Width="120px" AllowMultiLine="True" FilterEditType="DropdownList" />

Posted: October 29, 2009 1:19 PM

I deleted the WebGrid.Resources.dll in my bin folder.

I then opened my aspx page in Designer. The Intersoft installation program was automatically called and reinstalled the grid.

After that everything was ok.

Posted: October 8, 2009 7:04 PM




I have modified the code has described. BindDataSet2Grid is now a function that returns a dataset.

But when I right click on a cell, I get en error message instead of the expected pop-up menu.

In debug mode I found the error comes from an Intersoft Script (enclosed). The Height values is huge and cannot be displayed.

To what height does this refer to and can I ininialize it in my code to avoid this error.


 I have found the solution in an other thread(


"Based on functionality, Yes, our WebGrid 7 has supported XHTML doctype but for UI there could be some issues. That's why it still does not fully support XHTML. Our developer have a plan to fully support it by gathering all layout issue. I have created and forwarded a WI to our developer regarding layout issue. Please also reply into the other thread to help me in replicating your issue."

Posted: October 2, 2009 4:04 PM

I assume you are looking at this upgrade issue. Since the columns were generated programmatically in our WebGrid 4.0 could it be the programming of columns is differant in WebGrid 7.0. Any clarification would be appriciated.



Posted: September 30, 2009 1:26 PM

The example you provided works but everything is in the aspx page. In my case everything is done programmatically, either in vb or javascript. Even the columns are genereted programmatically.

With WebGrid 4.0 we did not get these errors. I have attached an example of a web page.

As anyone a suggestion or solution to propose?

Thanks for your help.

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