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Michael Gardipee Member
of 2

Thanks for the reply. That is what I figured, but I wanted to be sure. So, there are (2) defects that Intersoft is working on so that I can use the ASP Textbox approach and until those are resolved, I need to have a plan "B", so I will implement the Editable IFrame.

It seems that the Spell Checker is having problems with some characters and would like to know if you can replicate what I see. Try pasting what I have below into your editable IFrame and then spell check it. Hopefully you will see several script errors like I did...

<ISWebTextEditor:WebSpellChecker ID="WebSpellChecker1" runat="server" Height="50px" Width="100px" TargetControlId="content" TargetControlIdValue="innerHTML" ContextMenuStyle="IntersoftStyle" DictionaryDirectory="/Dictionary/"> <ClientSideEvents OnAfterCheckSpell="OnAfterCheckSpell" OnBeforeCheckSpell="OnBeforeCheckSpell" OnContextMenu="OnContextMenu" OnInitialize="OnInitialize" OnClickContextMenuItem="OnClickContextMenuItem" OnExitSpellCheck="OnExitSpellCheck" OnReplaceWord="OnReplaceWord" /> </ISWebTextEditor:WebSpellChecker> 

I have attached a Word Document that shows what I see when I paste the above text into the IFrame running the Intersoft Sample application - not my application.



Michael Gardipee



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