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Jocelyn Rendulic Member
of 6

Thanks for your reply, but I still can not get the formatting to work on our grids.  I created a new test project and tested the WebGridAndDataFormatString.aspx, and still does not work. 

I have WebGrid 7.0 build 401 and WebUI.Net framework 3.0 build 751.  I downloaded these from the Update Manager.  Where would I go to get WebUI 2009 R2 SP1?


I still can not get my formatting to work like your example is showing.  I know that something must be missing from my project.


I also notice that the WebUI.NET Framework 3.0 does not reference the correct assembly vesion (3.0.5000.1), but the File version and Product version are (3.0.5000.751).  Is this correct?



I have downloaded the latest hotfixes that were released 2/8/2010.  This is still an issue.  The abaove attached sample still does not work.  I am attaching sceenshots of step by step for you to reproduce.

The format still does not change when you click on a different row or press [shift] + [enter].  The cell still shows 5, when it should show $5.00.

I am using WebInput 4.0 and WebGrid 7.0.  I am attaching an example page from your sample called AbsoluteScrolling.  If you change the shipped date to '2/4/1994' and click off the row the year resets to 2010.  The year should stay '1994'

I mean the save message box that pops up when you leave the page and there are pending changes.

Posted: January 20, 2010 11:21 AM

I actually don't input anything for this value.  It is a DataKeyField on the WebGrid.  After I do the Insert with the Stored Procedure do need to set this value in the code behind? 

Ok, so if I return one Dataset with all my data.  It still does not work.  I have Hierarchical

Hierarchical="true" HierarchicalMode="LoadOnDemand" set.  Do you have an example of how to do in the code behind?  I have ...

WebGrid1.DataSource = LoadData();



Posted: January 11, 2010 11:57 AM

I am doing a copy row in the web grid, and pasting row it into the add row at the top of the grid.  It does not retain the value of the dropdown list only the description.



I have this same problem.  I need to know how to request this feature as well.  It is very important for us.

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