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Leo Hong Member
of 3

That's cool

Glad to hear that

Thank you for your explaination.

But I mean server side async methods in Controller generated by Crosslight VS Extension. Does it support async mode?

Posted: December 24, 2014 10:03 AM


Xamarin iOS

I don't have this version. The latest stable version of Xamarin iOS is in my download list. 

By the way, when I updated my Crosslight 3 to version Update 1 (Xamarin iOS is used),  I found some bugs such as: 

  • Unhandled Exception (System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'MonoTouch.UIkit.UITableView.RegisterNibForCellReuse') throws in OnViewCreated() in ViewController. 
  • When changed to Unified API, the app cannot build : 'Failed to resolve "UIKit.IUISplitViewControllerDelegate UIKit.UISplitViewController::get_Delegate()" reference from "Xamarin.iOS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065" MessageInputSamples.iOS' .
In oringnal version there is no problem.

Please tell me how I can update the Xamarin iOS to version 8.6, Thanks. Maybe wait for the official release..

Assume I will create a home page as below:

There are several sub-views under the home page view. Some of them are simple UIView, some of them are TableView/ScrollView, they bind to the different datasources. I tried nested viewmodels and tried to bind sub-views to the sub-viewmodels, but it does not work.

Do you have any solutions?

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