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Frank Gary Member
of 6
Posted: September 16, 2013 10:14 AM


Thank you for your reply. We performed all the above analysis prior to my post, and again after your recent reply.

You stated >

"It is obvious that when we set the value of MaxJsonLength to a certain number which is sufficient for the Json response, the problem is no longer persist. WebScheduler has its own maximum length for JSON strings. The default value is 5000000 byte (5 MB approx.).

Our analysis indicates that is the problem! Our queries are passing more than 5mb! If we set the maxjsonvalue to the max value of 2147483647 we are able to see more data records on the control, but still receive the error when clicking different calender days at random. I am assuming the control is limited to jason value of 5000000 bytes, (probably in a dll?), and this seems to be the underlying issue.

Please advise and thanks -


Posted: September 13, 2013 5:58 AM


This problem has arisen again and my application is now broken in a mission critical client production environment. The webscheduler3 is set for single load. The strange thing is the users can view the current day or any day in the future, but when they click an any day in the past the maxjson error occurs and freezes the control. The view that is being used by default is the timelineview.

In the webconfig the maxjson length is set for 2147483647

Is there any way I can pay for right now technical support? As I said my client application is down!

Please help!!!

Posted: August 20, 2013 8:09 AM


Thanks for your prompt reply. I am not able to adjust all users to the same timezone setting of the server as they are located in various different time zones. However, I am working on a solution for the problem.

My users are complaining about another issue that I am hoping you can assist me with. The users are primarily using the timeline view, and have as many as 40-50 resource lines. The problem is when they scroll down the scheduler, the top timeline time bar does not stay "locked" into position and disappears once they have scrolled down. This is causing significant problems as when they try to schedule a timeline resource towards the bottom of the list, the timeline times are not visible so they have no idea what times they are scheduling. Is there a solution for this?

Also, when is WS4 being released?

Thanks - Frank

Posted: August 19, 2013 2:55 PM

Gentlemen I am not able to ask a new question or start a new discussion, when I try to post the  indicator just spins and spins and spins so I am hoping I can just reply to this last thread as follows;

Is there a way to set the webscheduler to "present" and "adjust" the datetimes saved in the sql database based on the client side timezone? It appears that all the webscheduler views display datetimes based on the server side time or the time saved in the sql database.

For example; datetime is saved in sql database as 8pm and utc - 0 offset. Client is in timezone -8 hours UTC, and needs to show the date in all webscheduler views to client as 12pm not 8pm?

Please advise and thanks

Posted: April 27, 2012 1:11 AM

Hi Hans,

Thank you for your reply.

Could you please be more specific as to what a "simple runnable project" is? Our project is 300+ tables and hundreds of pages. Although it would seem obvious what you are asking for, it is an undertaking to "extract out" the necessary files that you need, so knowing exactly what you require would be a great help.

Please advise and best regards,

Frank Gary

Posted: April 20, 2012 9:01 AM


Thank you very very much. Your solution worked perfect!

Frank Gary


Posted: April 19, 2012 2:57 PM


Thanks so much for providing this information, it is GREATLY appreciated!!!

We will try the solution next week and post back the results.

Thanks again!


Posted: April 19, 2012 2:49 PM

Hi Yudi,

On our external formX we have a function that captures the form's StartDateTime:

public void formX_StartDateTime(DateTime StartDateTime)


Context.Session["formX_StartDateTime"] = StartDateTime;


On our same external formX we have a button that loads the page with the webscheduler control with the following function:

public void LoadMyWebschedulerPage(DateTime? StartDateTime)


Context.Session["WebScheduler.ViewSettings.SelectedDate"] = StartDateTime;

string url = apppath + "Pages/MyWebschedulerPage.aspx";

Result.ExecuteOnClient(String.Format("'{0}', '_CbDetail')", url));


Let me know if you need more info...........

Thanks - Frank


Posted: April 19, 2012 12:43 AM

Hi Hans,

Thank you for the reply. Let me simplify my requirement.

Is it possible to prevent "default" timeline view color bar moving or resizing without first performing a database record validation?

In other words, is it possible through a client side event to perform any kind of database record validation prior to moving or resizing a color bar? For example:

function X - (client side event)

if myvalidation = true

>>>allow move/resize

if myvalidation = false

>>>show error message and do not allow move or resize


Please advise and best regards,

Frank Gary

Posted: April 19, 2012 12:34 AM


Thank you for your reply. I was able to get this working by using context sessions.



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