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Darlene DeMaio Member
of 3

Hello Niven,

I forgot to mention that my project is using WebGrid version 6.0.7200.211.  Did you try it with that version?


I would like to amend my request for 2 new image files.  I don't need a new SortAsc.gif.  The one we have from your CommonLibrary is fine.  I was "confusing myself" about that one. 

Sorry if I confused you too. 

I would just like a new SortDesc.gif with Z on top of A.


Also to let you know, I was assuming that if I did not use a path to a gif file from your CommonLibrary, the file would be found automatically.  But when I copied the gif file into our project image folder and used the proper path, the images do get displayed as expected.  So if I can get a corrected SortDesc.gif, all will be good.



Hi Handy,

I actually need new versions of both SortAsc.gif and SortDesc.gif. 

In SortAsc.gif the arrow should be pointing up, not down.

And in SortDesc.gif the image should be Z on top of A with the arrow pointing down.  Could you please e-mail me new gif files for both of these?



Hi Handy,

I tried setting EnableWebResources="ScriptOnly", but I can an error when I then tried to load that page (SmartWebResources feature is currently disabled).  You can see the full text of the message in the attached file.  I have also included the Grid settings in that attached file.

Also I decided to try the following sort image settings:

    SortAscImage="SortAsc.gif"   SortDescImage="SortDesc.gif"

When I did that the ascending sort image appeared correctly, but the sort image did not appear to change when I did a descending sort.  When I looked at the image in the SortDesc.gif file I see that it is exactly the same image as in the SortAsc.gif file.  I have attached these 2 gif files.

Can you please e-mail me a new SortDesc.gif file with the correct image in it. 

(I still have the original problem though if I try to use other gif files.)



Here is the page structure from my July 7, 2010 1:24 PM post:

Here is the page structure related to the grid placement:








A file is also attached.



Is there any update on this issue yet?




Here's the doctype from my master page:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C/DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >


Regarding the missing structure in my earlier post, I edited it to include the rest of the structure.  Please see above.  (I accidently had hit the tab key.)




Here is the page structure related to the grid placement:

<asp:Content ...



Here is the page structure related to the grid placement:

<asp:Content >






                                         <ISWebGrid: WebGrid>


Here is the page structure related to the grid placement:

<asp:Content ...


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