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Nick Kiyatkin Member
of 2
Posted: March 11, 2010 4:53 PM

I have webgrid version 6.0 with a filters and paging functionality build in.  I am using asp:objectdatasource control to do custom pagination. I also have button on a form which do postback.  My action:

1. Setup filters on a grid and click a button to get data

2. Go to page 5 on a grid

3. Set new filter on a grid and click a button to get data.


I want to be on a page 1, but instead I go to the page 5. Everything is correct I am displaying data for page 5. But after I clicking a button I need to be on a page 1 displaying data for page 1


What code should I write in  javascript to reset pageIndex to  1?

I try to use this function



Posted: March 11, 2010 4:53 PM

I have webgrid version 6.0 with a filters and paging functionality build in.  I am using asp:objectdatasource control to do custom pagination. I also have button on a form which do postback.  My action:

1. Setup filters on a grid and click a button to get data

2. Go to page 5 on a grid

3. Set new filter on a grid and click a button to get data.


I want to be on a page 1, but instead I go to the page 5. Everything is correct I am displaying data for page 5. But after I clicking a button I need to be on a page 1 displaying data for page 1


What code should I write in  javascript to reset pageIndex to  1?

I try to use this function



I understand that WebGrid 7 is better then WebGrid 6 but question is if Grid 7 is fully backward compatible. Do you have any complains from Customers that migration to Grid 7 cause some compatibility issues?

Thank you

Posted: January 14, 2010 10:13 AM

I am using latest version of WebCombo and WebUI Framework, version 4 and 3 respectively. Are latest updates for these versions fully backward compatible?

Posted: January 13, 2010 6:09 PM

I am trying to use linked  multiselect combo as a filter in a header of the webgrid.

My webCombo:

<ISWebCombo:WebCombo ID="wcBooks" runat="server" DataTextField="RefNo" DataValueField="RefNo" Height="20px" UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="200px"> <MultipleSelectionSettings Enabled="True" AllowBrowseAll = "true" SeparatorChar=","></MultipleSelectionSettings> <LayoutSettings StatusBoxVisible="False" TextBoxMode="ReadOnly" ComboMode="MultipleColumns" BoundMode="ForceUnbound" > <ClientSideEvents /> </LayoutSettings> </ISWebCombo:WebCombo>


// my serverside code

wcPortfolio.PopulateUnboundData(dv, true);

wcBooks.PopulateUnboundData(GetEmptyTable(), true);

wcBooks.PopulateUnboundData(GetEmptyTable(), true);

//do it for wcPortfolio and wcBooks grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem(

grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("DOMAIN_ID").EditType = EditType.WebComboNET;grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("DOMAIN_ID").FilterEditType = FilterEditType.SameAsEditType;grid.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("DOMAIN_ID").WebComboID = "wcBooks";


// JS to populate destination Combo value 

function fnPopulateCombo(valueItem ) {var combo = ISGetObject("wcBooks"); var rows = combo.GetRows(); var newRow = combo.NewRow("RefNo"); var cells = newRow.GetCells(); cells.GetNamedItem("RefNo").Text = valueItem; rows.Add(newRow);


var rowElem = combo.GetRows();var latestRow = rowElem[rowElem.length - 1];var newInput = latestRow.RowElement.childNodes[0].document.createElement('input');

newInput.setAttribute('type', "checkbox"); newInput.setAttribute('hideFocus', "hideFocus");latestRow.RowElement.childNodes[0].className =

'type', "checkbox"); newInput.setAttribute('hideFocus', "hideFocus");latestRow.RowElement.childNodes[0].className = "WC4-C";latestRow.RowElement.childNodes[0].setAttribute("noWrap", "noWrap");



combo.UpdateUI(); // instruct WebCombo

// instruct WebCombo



This javascript function works for linked multiselect combo. When I use this js function to populate webcombo in a filter grid I don't have errors. However when I click on a filter combo I have js error that object is not defined.  What could be wrong? I need this linked multiselect combo in as a filter in a grid

Posted: January 8, 2010 6:08 PM

Yes it is works for latest version, but I can't use upgraded version. Is it possible to create combo with checkboxes which I can use for multiselection using WebCombo 4 build 12 and WebUI Framework 3 build 507. Thank you

Posted: January 5, 2010 10:25 AM


Thank you for prompt response. Unfortunatelly neither solution you proposed is working. Can you concentrate on the first page (Client_RowsCells.aspx). I think it may satisfy me. When I introduced your changes I still got error "property not supported.."  (vbae71.checked =false) 

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