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Mark Paladino Member
of 5
Posted: October 28, 2009 7:37 PM

Hi, I was just wondering if you have been able to reproduce the issue using my sample and if so is there a work around to prevent the issue from happening?

Posted: October 26, 2009 10:20 PM

Hi Handy, I have gone with the implementation of using a timeout to delay the ShowDialog() method. Although it is not exactly the functionality I wanted, it is pretty close. Thanks for your suggestions.

Posted: October 21, 2009 12:34 AM

Correct, however I want the dialog box to be shown before the grid is refreshed, so that the user can see that the grid is loading in case it takes some time to retrieve the data. Is this possible?

Posted: October 20, 2009 11:52 PM

Hi Handy, thanks for the reply. I have modified your sample to illustrate what I am experiencing.

When the page loads please select an option from the drop down list and the web dialog box will open with the grid inside. Close the dialog box and then select a different option from the drop down list. The web dialog box will open again and before the correct table structure is applied to the grid you will see the previous structure and data that was in the grid. I need to be able to stop that from happening.

Posted: October 15, 2009 7:14 PM

Thanks, this has resolved my issue.

Posted: October 11, 2009 10:33 PM

I can confirm that updating the components has fixed this issue.

Just an update on this issue. I have set <WindowSettings AllowClose="No"  on my web dialog box. If I move my mouse to where the close button would normally be I am still getting the javascript error.

Thanks Handy. Turning BatchUpdate off, using row.Update() allows me to export the changed data correctly.

After investigating further I found that calling grid.AcceptAllChanges() causes the InitializeDataSource event to fier again so my grid is being reloaded with the orginal data. I also noticed that when exporting the InitializeDataSource event alos fires so I am always going to get the original data as the changes I maje to the grid don't actually get saved to the server, they are for forecasting/prediction purposes only.

Is there anyway you can tell the grid to keep the changes that have been made without posting back to the server and then be able to export the data in the grid without the export causing the InitializeDataSource event to fire?

Ok after updating all the rows in the grid I call grid.AcceptAllChanges() but this is causing all the changes in the grid to be lost and therefore the export is still exporting the orginal data.

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