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Martin Lie Support
of 43
Posted: June 23, 2011 12:17 AM


Could you tell me how slow the script was running?

If it's possible, could you provide a simple working sample that replicates your issue? It would be easier for me to trace the error if I can get a sample that can be tested on my end.

When you upgrade WebCombo from Update Manager, it will automatically update the assembly along with the js files in your [Installation folder]\Intersoft Solutions\WebUI Studio for ASP.NET\WebCombo.NET 5.0\Bin.

Open the folder, right-click on ISNet.WebUI.WebCombo.dll and select Properties. Switch to Details tab and check the File version. It should be 5.0.7200.2, which is the latest build for WebCombo 5. You can check the version history from here.

Hope this helps. Thank you.



Posted: June 22, 2011 12:20 AM


I couldn't download your attached WebApplication1.rar. The link is corrupted.

If it's possible, could you provide the working sample that I can download?

Since I don't have a chinese database, it is difficult for me to run a test based on your scenario.

Therefore, it would be helpful if you can provide a simple working sample (including the database) that replicates your issue.

Thank you.




Posted: June 21, 2011 11:04 PM


Have you tried to run the offline sample on WebGrid/WebCombo?

I've tried to run the attached sample and it works fine on my end without any javascript error.

Could you try to run the attached sample and see how it works on your end?

It is difficult to reproduce the issue in here, therefore, if you can guide me on how to get the error, that would be helpful. Or, is there any simple sample that you can provide for me to test?

Thank you.



Posted: June 21, 2011 12:26 AM


I've tried your sample on my end. At first, I did replicate your issue in here.

I notice that this error only occurs if you use XHTML DocType.

If you change it to <!

DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >

The sample works fine.

Hope this helps. Thank you.



Posted: June 16, 2011 3:18 PM

Hello Eric,

May I know what is the version of your FireFox browser?

I'm running the grid sample in FireFox 4.0 and it works just fine.

Can you try to access our live sample and see how it goes in FireFox browser?

Thank you.




Unfortunately, it is an unsupported feature in WebTab. The orientation option is reserved for future enhancement.

Thank you.


Actually you can simply set Position to either Left or Right as long as the Orientation is Vertical. By default, the Orientation is set to Horizontal. However, we coudn't change the Orientation property since it is reserved for future version.

I have forwarded this issue to the developer team to be investigated further.

I will let you know when I get the update from the team.

Thank you.




Posted: June 14, 2011 5:26 PM


I'm using WebTextEditor 1.0.1000.33 but I couldn't replicate your issue on my end. It works just fine with the line break tag.

I have attached a video recording that shows on how I follow your steps and the error just doesn't occur. When I enter <br>, it will be replaced with <br /> instead <br></br>. I'm running the project in IE9 browser.

Did I miss something here?

Thank you.



Posted: June 14, 2011 5:00 PM

Hello Eric,

You can use the following code in Load server-side event of WebSlider:

protected void WebSlider1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
   WebSlider1.MinimumValue = 1;
   WebSlider1.MaximumValue = 3;
   WebSlider1.SliderType = WebSliderType.Item;
WebSlider1.Value = 2; WebSliderItem item1 = new WebSliderItem(); item1.Text = "Easy"; item1.Value = 1; WebSlider1.Items.Add(item1); WebSliderItem item2 = new WebSliderItem(); item2.Text = "Normal"; item2.Value = 2; WebSlider1.Items.Add(item2); WebSliderItem item3 = new WebSliderItem(); item3.Text = "Hard"; item3.Value = 3; WebSlider1.Items.Add(item3); }

Ensure that you have added using ISNet.WebUI.WebSlider in the namespace. Otherwise, it won't recognize WebSliderItem as a class.

The code will simply select Normal level as default selection because its Value is set to 2.

Hope this helps. Thank you.



Posted: June 14, 2011 4:23 PM


Thank you for reporting this issue.

I have been able to replicate your issue on my end. It works when we run the callour in IE8, but the error occurs on IE9.

I couldn't assume this issue as a bug yet, but I will certainly report this issue to the developer team to be investigated further.

You will be noticed when I get the update from the team.

Thank you.



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