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Could anyone help me to solve this problem?I use webgrid that having childtables.When I click the "+" to show the child rows,if the child rows have several columns that is too long to show all columns, I think it could be dragged by the scroll bar to show.But the horizontal scroll bar can't be shown.
Hello,I apologize for the inconvenience.Could you please inform me more information regarding your current scenario / project?Could you inform me your page configuration & WebGrid configuration?What is your current WebGrid assembly version?Thank you for your help.Regards,Hans K.
My current WebGrid version is WebGrid 8, version 8.0.7200.259
My webgrid configuration is in the attached file.
In this sample,you can see the webgrid with root table and child table.the form is shown by the modal window.when I want to show the child table detail,if the child table column is too long,the detail can't be shown all,and the horizontal scroll bar is not shown.
The wrong places are marked in the doc file.
Thank you.
Hello,I apologize for the late response.Thank you for the reply.Due to I didn’t have your database connection, so I tried to modify the current one of WebGrid Samples, HierarchicalGrid.aspx page, based on your WebGrid’s configuration.I add some configuration for your WebGrid, which perhaps can cause the issue, to the WebGrid in HierarchicalGrid.aspx page.I use HTML5 Doctype and set the “RenderingMode” property to “HTML5”.I also add additional column in “Order Details” table, so that the table have many column.But unfortunately, the scroll bar works fine on my end. (WebGrid_ScrollBar.png)What browser that you use currently? Have you try to use HTML5 Doctype?I attached the modified page as well. Please kindly try to have review on the page and let me know what the missing configuration on the attached page that can cause the issue occur.To run the page, you just need to add the page to the WebGrid Samples Solution.Thank you for your help.Regards,Hans K.
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