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Hi ,
I am tring to update the data in the webgrid , then there will be a alert said "update failure etc" . But in fact , the data in the webgrid is change and the data in the database is also change . It mean update success . <ISDataSource:ISDataSource runat="server" ID="IDS1" SchemaName="Bizlogic.DB_Frame_CustomPageSetting"> <Tables> <ISDataSource:ISDataSourceTable SelectMethod="Select" TypeName="Bizlogic.DB_Frame_CustomPageSetting" TableName="DB_Frame_CustomPageSetting" EnablePaging="true" SelectCountMethod="SelectCount"> <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="categoryNum" DbType="String" QueryStringField="ParentCategoryNum" /> </SelectParameters> </ISDataSource:ISDataSourceTable> </Tables> </ISDataSource:ISDataSource> The code above I used is to bind to webgrid , and the update method I used is OnBatchUpdate . The image in the attach file is that alert . Anyone can help me ? Thanks a lot !
<ISDataSource:ISDataSource runat="server" ID="IDS1" SchemaName="Bizlogic.DB_Frame_CustomPageSetting"> <Tables> <ISDataSource:ISDataSourceTable SelectMethod="Select" TypeName="Bizlogic.DB_Frame_CustomPageSetting" TableName="DB_Frame_CustomPageSetting" EnablePaging="true" SelectCountMethod="SelectCount"> <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="categoryNum" DbType="String" QueryStringField="ParentCategoryNum" /> </SelectParameters> </ISDataSource:ISDataSourceTable> </Tables> </ISDataSource:ISDataSource>
The code above I used is to bind to webgrid , and the update method I used is OnBatchUpdate . The image in the attach file is that alert .
Anyone can help me ? Thanks a lot !
Thank you very much for the sent screenshot and snippet code.
From the snippet code, I suspect that this problem occurs due to the lack of update method in your ISDataSource code. Please ensure that UpdateMethod is correctly specified in your ISDataSource code.
We have a sample of batch update WebGrid bind to ISDataSource. You might want to check the live sample at or open the sample locally on your end.
Hope this helps.
Hello Yudi ,
Firstly , thank you for your reply and help . In my code , I put a batch of update operations in the WebGrid1_BatchUpdate of C# Source file . And in the ISDataSource code , I did not add the update method . That mean I update the data through background program , not the ISDataSource code .
I want to know whether I can execute update operation in accordance with the above method and there will no the alert that I have said . How can I do ?
Thanks !
A data source control is characterized by a unique ID. This ID is the link that ties data-bound and data source controls together. You bind WebGrid to a data source control, in this case is ISDataSource using the DataSourceId property. For example, whenever WebGrid needs to fetch data, the SelectMethod of the associated ISDataSource control executes. When WebGrid needs to update or delete a record, the corresponding UpdateMethod or DeleteMethod execute. If no such method exists, an exception is thrown.
My suggestion for your scenario is by providing the UpdateMethod of the ISDataSource control or handles the entire data operation/transaction through WebGrid programmatically.
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