ISDataSource can't work on demand mode?

9 replies. Last post: December 15, 2009 9:13 PM by Glenn Layaar
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Roger ChenMember

I follow the "ms-help://ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.V6/ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid/Loading child rows on demand based on the selected parent row.html" help article to try use ISDataSource, but get the below error:

ISDataSource 'ISDataSource1' Table [Orders] could not find a non-generic method 'GetDataBy' that has parameters: CustomerID.

In 9 step

9 Open ISDataSource Designer

Property Value
SelectChildRowMethod GetDataBy


I not know set whick table's SelectChildRowMethod, now i set the Orders SelectChildRowMethod to GetDataBy. Is right?

And how to set the parameters if database is MS SqlServer Or Oracle? the sample is all .mdb file data source. I think the ISDataSource is wonderful control, it can increase webgrid performance if binding Hierarchical data. but the help information not enough to use it.


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