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I am trying to use UXDock inside the ClientUIApplication MainPage.xaml. What I would like to do is to have the UXDock on the right hand side in one of the grid elements (Dock="Right"). I have managed to create the dock element and it seems to work.
However, when I attempt to put a sub-menu using the UXDockButton with the StackMode="GridStyle" and within that put in UXNavigationButton elements I am finding it impossible to use the NavigateURI attribute on the UXNavigationButton. It keeps erroring out or is not able to launch one of my view pages.
Here is the fragment:
Please could you let me know what I am doing incorrectly
Hi Jee,
There seems to be a slight issue with the NavigationUri when using controls other than StackMenuItem in the UXDockButton. This has been fixed in RTM build though.
Regarding the StackButton, here's some snippet code to show the text below the image.
<Intersoft:UXStackButton Width="100" ImageHeight="48" ImageWidth="48" Content="Item Text" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" Height="100" Icon="/ClientUIApp_TestQA;component/Images/app48.png" DisplayMode="ContentAndImage" TextImageRelation="ImageAboveText" />
The last two attributes in the last line are the key properties to make it happen. If you'd like to learn more, I've discussed about our content and image presentation in the part two of my blog series.About the sub menu for the stack button, you should use UXStackItem instead of UXStackButton. To easily know what type of items can be inserted by default, right click on the object in either VS or Blend, you'll find some options such as "Add Button, Add Item, Add Separator" and so on.
Hope this helps,Jimmy.
My test show that using UXStackItem instead of UXNavigationButton will solve the issue. The UXStackItem has already support navigation so it would behave similarly with UXNavigation button.
Regarding the UXNavigationButton and UXDockButton issue, I will need to discuss this issue with the developer.
Updated: based on my discussion with the developer, this issue seems to be caused by a bug and is scheduled to be fixed in RTM. The plan is for the UXNavigationButton and UXDockButton will be similar in behavior with UXStackItem and UXDockButton.
Hi Glenn,
There is still a problem regardless of which combination I try. As you can see from the inserted code I have tried various mechanisms to get the UXDock to work with a "submenu". I can get it to display but the NavigateUri absolutely refuses to work from the submenu. It works correctly when the item is on the UXDock (but does not when it is within a StackButton or StackItem. The UriMapping seems to be the issue. Please see my modified MainPage.xaml (which I have inserted as code) and propose a solution for me.
<Intersoft:UXStackItem Text="Test" Icon="/JTS2;component/Assets/Images/Home.png" NavigateUri=""/>
<Intersoft:UXStackItem Text="Company" Icon="/JTS2;component/Assets/Images/my_contacts.png" NavigateUri="/CompanyView" />
<Intersoft:UXStackItem Text="Designations" Icon="/JTS2;component/Assets/Images/notepad.png" NavigateUri="/DesignationView" />
<Intersoft:UXItemsControl x:Name="NavigationItemsContainer" ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource NavigationButtonStyle}" Orientation="Horizontal" Background="{StaticResource NavigationContainerBackground}">
<Intersoft:UXNavigationButton x:Name="btnHome" Content="Home" NavigateUri="/Home" Icon="Assets/Images/Home.png" IsDefaultNavigationSource="True"/>
<Intersoft:UXNavigationButton Content="Customers" NavigateUri="/Customers" Icon="Assets/Images/CustomersFolder.png"/>
<Intersoft:UXNavigationButton Content="Products" NavigateUri="/Products" Icon="Assets/Images/Products.png"/>
<Intersoft:UXNavigationButton Content="Reports" NavigateUri="/Reports" Icon="Assets/Images/Reports.png"/>
<Intersoft:UXNavigationButton Content="Settings" NavigateUri="/Settings" Icon="Assets/Images/Settings.png"/>
<Intersoft:UXNavigationButton Content="About" NavigateUri="/About" Icon="Assets/Images/ClientUI_Silverlight.png"/>
<Intersoft:UXHyperlinkButton HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="0,0,10,0" TargetName="_blank" NavigateUri="" Style="{StaticResource ClientUILinkStyle}">
<Image Source="/JTS2;component/Images/DiamondWithReflection_256x256.png" Height="67" Width="78" Opacity="1" />
Based on my analysis of the code, the submenu snippet is:
<Intersoft:UXStackButton Text="Test" Icon="/JTS2;component/Assets/Images/Home.png" NavigateUri="/Views/Home.xaml"/><Intersoft:UXStackButton Text="Company" Icon="/JTS2;component/Assets/Images/my_contacts.png" NavigateUri="/Views/CompanyView.xaml" /><Intersoft:UXStackButton Text="Designations" Icon="/JTS2;component/Assets/Images/notepad.png" NavigateUri="/Views/DesignationView.xaml" />
<Intersoft:UriMapping Uri="/{page}" MappedUri="/Views/{page}.xaml"/></Intersoft:UriMapper>
The correct navigate uri property for the submenu will be:
<Intersoft:UXStackButton Text="Test" Icon="/JTS2;component/Assets/Images/Home.png" NavigateUri="/Home" /><Intersoft:UXStackButton Text="Company" Icon="/JTS2;component/Assets/Images/my_contacts.png" NavigateUri="/CompanyView" /><Intersoft:UXStackButton Text="Designations" Icon="/JTS2;component/Assets/Images/notepad.png" NavigateUri="/DesignationView" />
That is exactly what is NOT working. I know about the URI Mapping and had had tested with several different forms of the NavigateUri value. It will NOT work when it is in the submenu.
After some further investigation I found one way that does work but I think ignores the Uri Mapper. It is to use "/Default.aspx#/CompanyView". This is the only thing that seems to work. As there is a temporary workaround for this I do not have a problem at the moment but there is obviously some bug related to submenus and the URI Mapper.
I have some additional questions regarding the submenu:
1. How can I get the text below the StackButton to appear. It seems to NOT appear whatever I try.
2. How can I get the Text to appear under each Item in the submenu:
The code is:
Thanks for your help so far
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