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I want to bind itemsource to UXNavigationPane ,because the navigation items are from the database.
Here is my code:
(1)View (Xaml)
<Intersoft:UXNavigationPane x:Name="OutlookMenuPane" Header="" IsExpanded="{Binding IsExpanded, ElementName=MainPane}" VisibleItemCount="10" AutoSelectFirstItem="True" Background="#FFEBEFF3" FooterVisibility="Collapsed" ItemsSource="{Binding NavItems}" DisplayMemberPath="Text" ImageMemberPath="Icon" CollectionMemberPath="SubItems">
Note:Module is a entity class mapping to the navigation item table in the database.
foreach (Module nm in mRet) { mi.Add(new MenuItem() { Text=nm.MoudleMenuName==""?nm.ModuleName:nm.MoudleMenuName, Icon="Images/"+nm.SmallIconAddress, NavUri=nm.ModuleUrl, ModuleCode=nm.ModuleCode, SubItems = this.GetThisLevelMenuItem(nLevel + 1, nm.ModuleCode)
}); }
But i can only see an empty UXNavigationPane.Can you give me some advice?
Could you provide the working sample? Based on your code, I need to know the current value that assigned in each properties.
Because the sample is based on DB, so i first give you the xaml file and the ItemSouce sample binded to the UXNavigationPane,if you still get enough information,i will make another lightweight sample.
I have made a lightweight sample,see the attachment.
I need a little time to discuss with our developer teams. I will back to you asap.Regards,Handy
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