ExpandableGroupBox doesn't start collapsed when IsExpanded="False"

1 reply. Last post: October 11, 2010 11:19 PM by Glenn Layaar
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Cyle WitrukMember


When I use an ExandableGroupBox with IsExpanded="False", the content doesn't start collapsed, however the control seems to be in collapsed mode, e.g. the button is collapsed, effectively requiring two clicks to collapse it - expand (which has no effect other than changing the button to expanded) and then collapse, which functions as expected.

Here's an example snippet:

<Intersoft:ExpandableGroupBox Header="Example..." IsExpanded="False">
    <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
        <Intersoft:FieldLabel Header="Foo:">
            <Intersoft:UXTextBox Width="200" />
        <Intersoft:FieldLabel Header="Bar:">
            <Intersoft:UXTextBox Width="200" />


Are you able to reproduce this?

// Cyle

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