Designdata for ClientUI Data Application

1 reply. Last post: October 13, 2011 2:32 AM by Yudi
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I would like to display test data in the UXGridView (ClientUI Data App Template) during the design-time. How do I implement this? Probably, I have to create a DesignNorthwindDomainContext and customize the RepositoryManager.cs as follows:

public class RepositoryManager


public static NorthwindDomainContext Create()


//return new NorthwindDomainContext(); return DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool ? (NorthwindDomainContext)new DesignNorthwindDomainContext() : new NorthwindDomainContext();



How do I create the DesignNorthwindDomainContext? You may have an sample? Thank you for the support!


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