Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
Assign Localized Text
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Intersoft WebGrid > Learning More > Working with Designer > Localization Manager > Assign Localized Text

Glossary Item Box

Developers can modify the 'TextSettings' items in the available list.

Here are step by step procedures:

  1. Open the Localization Manager. Make sure that in the 'Language Mode', 'Italian (Italy)' value is selected.
  2. Click the 'Italian' entry in the 'Available Language Files' list and then click the 'Manage Language Files'.

  3. In the 'Ready' value of the 'Content', change the text from 'Pronto.' to 'Pronto xyz'. Make sure that 'Save Changes' button is clicked in order to save the changes.

  4. Here is the result in the browser:

See Also

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