Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
Automatic Columns Fitting
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Intersoft WebGrid > WebGrid Features Overview > Layouting > Automatic Columns Fitting

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WebGrid now has the ability to fit all columns into grid's width. There are 2 modes introduced in this new version:

ProportionalWidth mode. In this mode, all columns' width will be calculated by its current percentage against new width proportionally. This mode is determined when there is no autowidthcolumn defined.

AutoColumnWidth mode. When working in this mode, only the column which its AutoWidthCol property set to True would be shrink or expanded to fit into the grid's width. This allows your columns to be displayed nicely because it leaves all other columns' width untouched. The grid also has the capability to automatically fallback to ProportionalWidth when the total columns' width exceeds the width of grid's width.

The auto fit columns feature worked consistently in conjunction with existing UI settings as well as new features, such as grouping, hidecolumnswhengrouped, best fit, column sizing, select columns, remove column, autowidth, and even in childtable and columnset mode! There are more than 32 scenarios in any combination of UI settings that are handled properly. This feature was developed with advanced logic so that it performs smoothly and does not used up 100% CPU or freeze the browser when user resize the window.

Screenshot A - ProportionalWidth mode 

Screenshot B - AutoColumnWidth mode

See Also

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