Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
Client Binding API
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Intersoft WebGrid > WebGrid Features Overview > Displaying Data > Client-side Binding > Client Binding API

Glossary Item Box

The client binding architecture included in WebGrid 7 is a set of comprehensive new classes, methods and interfaces to enable programmatic consumption in elegant fashion. Most of the user interface functions and high-level encapsulation of binding process called the same underlying APIs.

The following sections explain the new public methods and events which are available when client binding mode is enabled and the data source type is set to either client services or client data source.

This topic contains the following sections:

New Methods

Several methods have been added as extensions to provide programmatic client binding functionality. These methods will only be available when client binding feature is enabled. 

Class New Method Parameters
WebGrid SetDataSource (Assign a new client-side datasource to WebGrid) dataSource, tableName
GetConvertedDataSource (Gets the datasource that has been converted to CDOF-compatible object) -
DataBind (Instructs WebGrid to perform data binding based on assigned datasource) -
LoadData (Instructs WebGrid to perform initial data loading) -
Render (Perform rendering based on bound data) -
RebindData (Rebind WebGrid with new datasource) dataSource, skipDataDispatch
WebGridTable GetUngroupedRows (Gets ungrouped rows collection of this table) -
GetRowByKeyValues (Gets the WebGridRow based on the specified key values) keyValues
DispatchDataTable (Gets the CDOF data table object) -
GetView (Gets the CDOF data view object) -
DataBind (Perform data binding for this table) -
FillDataSourceArguments (Populate view state into datasource arguments used for data retrieval operation) arguments, sortState, filterState, pagingState
GetSortExpression (Gets the sort expression required to construct the view for this table)
GetFilterExpression (Gets the filter expression required to construct the view for this table)
Render (Render the view for this table) subTable
UpdateDataStatus (Updates the status of current datasource to UI) -
WebGridRow GetGroupRowLevel (Gets the group row level of this row) -
HasCollapsedParent (Whether this row has collapsed parents) -
HasGroupedChilds (Whether this row has grouped child rows) -
HasExpandedChilds (Whether this row has expanded child rows) -
ExpandGroupRowsToThisRow (Expands all parent group rows down to this row) -
CopyTo (Copies this row's structure and data to destination object) targetObject, isModifiedOnly, followTargetStructure


New client side events

The following table describes the new client side events related to client binding feature.

Event Name Description Parameters
OnCustomAggregate Fired when WebGrid needs to perform custom aggregation for column which AggregateType is set to Custom. controlId, columns, rows, type
OnInitializeRow Fired when a row is initialized. controlId, row
OnInitializeCell Fired when a row requires synchronization. controlId, row
OnSynchronizeRow Fired when a row requires synchronization. controlId, row
OnSynchronizeCell Fired when a cell required synchronization controlId, cell
OnDataSourceChanged Fired when data source has been changed. controlId
OnDataBound Fired when data binding process is completed. controlId
OnPreRender Fired before WebGrid enters rendering phase. controlId
OnPostRender Fired after rendering operation is completed. controlId


See Also

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